lxi. caleb the ghost

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HEARING STILES' VOICE SENT AMELIE SPIRALING. After they'd lost the connection on the radio, she broke down crying. Whether it was tears of sadness or happiness, she didn't know. She just knew that her heart ached and she missed him. It was weird how even though she didn't remember anything, still a part of her was always calling out to him.

"Scott, I don't know about this," The Anchor mumbled to the Alpha as they stepped in front of the sheriff's station, where Scott was adamant to tell the sheriff about yesterday's hopeful revelation. That they'd talked to Stiles, that he really was real, and they needed to find him.

"Why not?" Scott asked.

"Because Stilinski doesn't want to believe us," Amelie sighed, unable to look up at Scott.

Scott was quiet for a moment before he said quietly, "I know I didn't believe it at first, but you were right. Stiles is real, so we have to do everything we can to find him. Even if it means convincing someone that they have a son they forgot."

"How optimistic of you," Amelie chuckled dryly before giving in and gesturing to Scott to open the door.

"All right... You heard a voice coming through the radio, and now you're convinced its the voice of..." Stilinski tried to summarize after Amelie and Scott tried their best to explain what happened the day before. It still felt surreal to Amelie.

"Stiles. Your son," Scott confirmed.

"Uh-huh. And maybe it's just a random signal cross?" Signal cross?

"Peter gave us the keys to the Jeep, and it started right up," Scott sighed, "Claudia's Jeep."

"Oh, wait, wait— so now I'm supposed to trust Peter Hale?" Stilinski scoffed.

"I want you to trust us," Scott pleaded, "We heard Stiles on that radio, we're sure of it. If you had heard it too—"

"Well, I didn't."

"Yeah, but if you had—"

"Enough, Scott! Enough!"

Amelie couldn't help but chuckle, looking up when she noticed that Stilinski had turned to her, "What's so funny?"

"What's funny is that I told Scott this would happen," Amelie scoffed, "Why would we make up a whole story that we heard your son on the radio in his car? Do you think we're just entertaining ourselves because we're bored? Stiles is real, sheriff, he's flesh and blood and he's real and he's your son! Even if we don't remember it."

Invisible String. Stiles Stilinski (1)Where stories live. Discover now