Chapter 11

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"You are a little heavier than I want you to be. Have you been eating desserts with every meal?" Irena asked. 

"Not every time," I admitted shyly. 

"But enough times. I want you to cut sugar out from your diet completely. To be the best skater, you need to be lighter." 

I nodded, although I didn't want to follow through.

"Alright, so today your schedule includes an hour of off ice training and an hour of ballet." 

"No on ice practice today?" 

She shook her head. "Not today. Mixing it up a little," she said as she glanced at the rink. 

"What do you mean there is no ice today?" Constance asked in a shrill voice. 

I braced myself for her standard temper tantrums as my head snapped towards her direction. The rest of the people at the rink were fine, just Constance was enough to make me not want to come.

Ari rolled his eyes. "Mental that one is." He thumbed over to Constance. "She's just upset that you are passing her in skill level." 

I shook my head, not wanting to believe it. Constance had been here for years. How could I pass her skill level already. 

He shrugged. "Listen, I'm not being dramatic about it. I think everyone can see it." 

"Telvi, come here." Irena waved me over to her.

Quickly I ran to her without wasting a second. 

"You are being requested by the council for a performance. The program we have been working on, I expect you to have it ready in two days." 

A performance. That was something I had not heard before. Fear clenched my heart as the words sank in. There was a reason why I skated on the edge of town. I was not made for skating in front of anyone. That was something that I could not do. I couldn't. 

"You do not have a choice in skipping this, Telvi. It is part of your agreement. We provide you lessons, and you have to provide the Motherwealth with something in return."

"How does she get a performance and not me?" Constance yelled as she walked up to us. 

Irena eyed her. "I think you know the reason." 

Constance shrunk back as her eyes welled up with tears. "You stupid girl. How dare you take everything from me." 

I frowned in silence as she turned on her heals and ran out of the room.

"Don't pay attention to her. You just need to relax. I know you will do well." 

How did she know I would do well if I had never skated in front of anyone before? I was pretty sure I wouldn't. Just the thought caused my throat to tighten. 

"Well, let's get started on off ice training today. We are just wasting time here," she said as she clapped her hands. "We will pair off, Telvi, be with Ari." 

I looked over at Ari who waved. Without saying anything, I walked over to him. 

"Oh it's about time we became partners. You are so quiet all the time, this will really help me to get to know you better." 

But the thing was, there wasn't anything to get to know. I was a poor girl from Hell. He already knew that. What else was there? 

"Alright, let's run two miles to start." 

Ari sighed as he took off his coat. "I hate running." 

I don't think I had ever run for fun before. It was always related to getting out of the cold or rain. I wouldn't say I liked it, but I didn't hate it. But without complaining, I started to run, following Ari. 

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