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At the fundraiser, Chloe was on ticket duty with Caroline. Elena had arrived, waiting on Stefan, and even though Matt was supposed to be bussing tables Caroline had him practically glued to her side.

"He's already been hit on like 35 times," she said. "He's total cougar bait."

"Impressive" Elena laughed.

"More like embarrassing" Matt groaned. Caroline laughed and perked up as Matt's mom walked over.

Chloe didn't even know she was in town since everyone knew she was always off somewhere new with what guy she was seeing at the time.

"Hi, Mrs.Donovan!"

Mrs.Donovan just sent Caroline a fake smile and turned right toward Elena. "Elena, honey" she smiled opening her arms for a hug.

"Hi, Kelly" Elena smiled.

"Long time, no see."

"How are you doing?"

"Oh, same old. Oh, Matty tells me you broke his heart" his mom said with a pout.

"Mom" Matt groaned.

"Just kidding. Calm down. He found his rebound girl" she said and glanced at Caroline. Chloe glared at his mom, wanting nothing more than to smack her across the face.

"Here you go sweetheart," she said, handing Caroline some money. "However many that'll buy. I just hope I don't get bachelor three. I dated him in high school. Not impressive. In any way" she said, as Caroline handed her the tickets.

"I heard you dated everyone in high school," Chloe said, with a fake smile on her face.

Mrs.Donovan just looked at her. "Chloe. Always a charmer" she said before walking away.

Chloe shrugged as Elena, Caroline, and Matt gawked at her. "What? No offense Matt but your mom's kind of a bitch" she said, walking away as the fundraiser was about to start.

The entire thing was boring as always. It was just Tyler's mom standing up there, reading off random facts about the town's so-called most eligible bachelors. Chloe and Caroline always had to be there but Chloe figured Caroline probably come anyway.

Chloe wasn't really paying attention until she got to Damon.

"And last, but not least, Damon Salvatore. We don't have much on you" she said.

"Well, I'm tough to fit on a card," he said. "Do you have any hobbies, like to travel?" Mrs.Lockwood asked.

"Oh, yeah. LA, New York. Couple of years ago, I was in North Carolina. Near the Duke campus, actually. I think, I think Alraic went to school there. Didn't you Rick? Yeah, 'cause I...I know your wife did" he said.

Elena, Chloe, and Stefan all looked up, wondering where he was going with this. Elena especially, seeing as though she was certain that Alaric's wife was her birth mom.

"I had a drink with her once. She was, she was a great girl. I ever tell you that? 'Cause, she was...she was delicious."

Chloe looked over as Elena got up and walked out. Stefan noticed too as they both followed her out.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked as they stood outside.

"He killed her? Damon was the vampire that killed her?" Elena asked.

"I don't know what happened. Alaric said they never found the body" Stefan said.

"Oh, my God. Stefan."

"I know. I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I just...I wanted to know more" he said.

"I was feeling sorry for him, hoping that this whole Katherine thing would change him. I'm so stupid" Elena sighed.

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