Funerals & Death-Harry Potter Married Who?

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Draco Malfoy watched as they lowered his husband into the family crypt. He tried to feel sad but mostly he felt relieved. He had married Hadrian Potter right after Hogwarts. The other boy had relentlessly pursued him. He hadn't cared who he would marry as long as he could continue the Malfoy line. Maybe it was his fault his marriage had been an absolute disaster. He had practically lived at work for the first three years of their marriage. It was easy to understand that Hadrian would be lonely. Maybe that was why he had sought comfort outside of their marital bed. He had a string of lovers that Draco hadn't cared to name. Hadrian had died from a stab wound from a jealous ex boyfriend. He had bled out in their home. Draco was just thankful the boys hadn't been home to see it. His eldest son had just finished his first year at Hogwarts and his youngest had been staying with his in-laws. Atticus was clinging to his trousers as he sobbed while Scorpius stood stone faced next to him. He gently picked up his son and shushed him.
"That's it, Atty. Let it out. Father is here." The rest of the funeral passed in a blur as he talked to half of Britain.
"Are you alright, Draco? The boys can stay with us, if you need a few days." James Potter said as he scooped up Atticus. Draco slowly shook his head.
"I think I'll be alright. You are more than welcome to stay with us." He offered. He might not have loved Hadrian but he couldn't imagine what his parents were going through, losing a child so young. If anything had happened to his children, he would have lost his mind.
"Thank you, son. We might take you up on your offer." He saw Blaise Zabini stroll over and James quickly ushered the children away.
"Malfoy." He said softly.
"Zabini." They had been friends in their youth but he had ended up being one of his husband's former lovers. They had a silent understanding. Draco wouldn't cause issues for Blaise and Blaise would keep his affair a secret. Draco hadn't cared about Hadrian's flings but he didn't want his bad reputation to affect the children.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Blaise offered and he gave him a bitter smile.
"Shouldn't I be telling you that? You knew him better than I did." Blaise snorted.
"Harry loved you, in his own way. He had always been so flighty, moving from one person to the next." Draco curled his lips up.
"Hadrian was cruel. He did whatever he wanted and didn't care how it would affect anyone besides himself." Blaise patted his shoulder and walked off, leaving him alone in front of the crypt.
"I'll see you in hell, Husband."


Draco stalked through the Ministry of Magic. He had received a letter this morning, asking to meet as soon as possible. It had been two months since his husband's death. Maybe they had made some type of filing mistake? He told the desk worker who he was here to meet and was ushered to the elevator. He stepped out on the Department of Mysteries floor and waited for someone to notice him.
"Ah! Lord Malfoy, if you'll follow me?" One of the faceless workers showed him to a room filled with people.
"Draco? What are you doing here?" Severus Snape cried out before hugging him tightly
"I don't know. I was summoned this morning." He saw that James, Sirius and Regulus were seated on the sofa.
"Isn't it odd? What would the Uspeakables want with us?" Sirius said before looking around in suspicion. The door opened to reveal Neville Longbottom.
"Thank you all for joining me! If you'll take a seat, I'll be happy to explain what's going on." They followed his lead and he shuffled his papers around.
"This may be shocking to hear, but please wait until I finish to ask any questions." He waited until they agreed before continuing "One week ago, we found a body an inch from the Veil of Death. He was unconscious for two days before he woke up. We positively identified him as Harry James Potter." Draco felt his stomach drop.
"It seems he's actually from an alternate dimension. I know this must be unsettling to hear but he can't stay at the Department. He's been causing all sorts of trouble and we didn't know who to turn to." Neville said sheepishly. James took a deep breath before asking "Can we see him?" Neville hesitated before agreeing.
"Please keep in mind that this is not the Hadrian you knew. He's essentially a different person." He led them through the corridor and they stopped outside a door. He knocked and said "Harry, are you in there?" There was no answer and he poked his head in.
"Merlin's saggy pants! Oi! Where's Potter?" He yelled and several Unspeakable's turned their heads.
"Bollocks! He's escaped again? I'm not going after him!" One shouted back before fast walking down the hall. He shared a confused look with Regulus.
"You were keeping him locked in his room?" Sirius asked furiously, his hands curled into fists.
"No! We just asked him to let us know when he left! He's technically a dead person. We didn't want to cause a panic." Neville explained before striding forward.
"Oi Nev! Potter's trying to throw himself into the Veil again." Someone said as they walked by. Neville tiredly rubbed his face before saying "If you'll follow me." They entered a giant room with an Arch in the middle. Draco had never seen the Arch up close before and a shiver ran down his spine at the sight.
"Hey, Potter! We talked about this." Neville said and Draco laid eyes upon his husband's doppelganger. He was a couple of inches shorter than his husband had been and his hair hung around his chin. Hadrian had long dark hair that he brushed one hundred times a day to keep it shiny and smooth. He also had a scar that went from the middle of his forehead and missed his eye by a hair to end on his cheekbone.
"Oh piss off, fake Neville. At least my Neville isn't old." He shouted as he tried to climb the Arch. His husband had been twenty nine when he died and this boy looked barely seventeen!
"That's rude! How many times have I told you that you're in an alternate dimension?" The boy scoffed and said "Sure. That's totally believable." Draco stepped forward and said "Hadrian, get down from there." Stunning emerald eyes focused on him before flickering to the people behind him. They stayed on Severus the longest before he jumped off the Arch. He landed in a crouch before standing up.
"Merlin, it is a different dimension!" He gasped out loud before turning back to him.
"What made you finally realize it?" Neville said sarcastically and Harry peeked at Severus again.
"Well Snape looks like he actually washes his hair for one. Also is he wearing an actual color? This is so strange." Severus looked confused by his answer but didn't say anything.
"My name is Harry Potter. Nice to meet you." He waved at them and James darted forward to hug him. Harry gave him an awkward pat on the back.
"Er, nice to see you." He gave Regulus an interested look.
"Who are you?" Sirius barked out a laugh as Regulus replied.
"I'm Regulus Black." He offered and they all watched as Harry's face turned a bright red color.
"Fucking hell! Are you really?" He squealed out.
"Hermione and Ron are not going to believe this!" Draco had no clue as to what was going on.
"Perhaps we can go sit down somewhere and talk?" He offered and was surprised at the nastly look Harry gave him. What was that?

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