* thirty five

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Sebastian cooked them a really nice steak, and accompanied them with a glass of wine, Andin could say that it was one of the best dinners she had ever had in her life.

"This is nice," commented Andin as she took another sip of her wine.

"Having you here is nice." Sebastian leaned forward and clinked his glass to hers then took a drink. "You know, I woke up that morning alone and I have never felt so lonely in my life." He tilted his head as he placed the crystal glass carefully on the table. "Why did you leave?"

Andin took a deep breath and decided to tell him the truth. "Because we agreed that when Monday morning came, things would go back to normal."

"But what is normal, really?" he asked, lifting his brows and daring her to reply. He finished off his wine and then started to clear out the table.

She followed behind him, carrying her glass of wine then leaned against the kitchen island as she watched him standing at the kitchen sink, the spray nozzle in one hand. Her gaze stuck on the stretch and pull off his thin sweater across his wide shoulders and big arms as he reached for a plate on the counter. He whistled as he rinsed in one side of the sink and bent over to put the cleaned plates in the dishwasher. No man had ever done her dishes, let alone her boss. Sebastian towering over the sink, squirting water all over, then bending over, was about the sexiest thing she'd ever seen in her life.

He rose and looked across his shoulder. "What some people think as normal might not be normal for others."

"True." Andin took a mouthful of wine and finished off her glass. "I was saving us from the awkward moment and saving myself from the walk of shame." She walked closer to him, her shoes lightly thudding across the floor, then handed her glass to him and he started to wash it. "I would not have guessed you knew how to load a dishwasher."

"Growing up, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I read a book by the window while my mum baked the fluffiest bread ever." A smile appeared on his face and from his baby blues, she could tell that he was on his way to reminisce the memories. "I would eat it with brie cheese or butter. Mum would only let me finish it if I do the chores."

It was quite hard to picture how normal it was for Sebastian growing up when he came from one of the richest, most powerful families in the world. "And did you?" Andin asked curiously. She had never thought of him as a kid but these last few days, she had been wondering what he had been like as a boy, surrounded by his siblings.

"Of course," he gave her a prideful look as if she had just offended him by asking that question but then he broke into a peal of laughter. "I paid the twins to do mine sometimes."

"The twins?"

"Yeah. Draven and Declan." For a moment he looked a bit forlorn and he quickly wiped that expression away. "You probably have met Declan. He is my brother who got married off to pay my grandpa's promise." When Andin was about to say something he waved his hand dismissively. "Don't worry." His blue eyes looked across at hers and slid to her mouth. "He ended up marrying his first love, the love of his life so it is all good."

"How about Draven?"

His gaze slowly moved down her body, over her breasts and the curve of her waist and hips in the tight skirt, all the way to her black shoes. "He ran away. Remember what Piers told you before about him being the cause of one of our brothers running away from home? Well, he was not lying. He did drive Draven away."

"What? Where is he now?"

Sebastian shrugged. "We don't know but we will never stop looking."

"I hope you will find him and you all will be reunited again." Her heart clenched and she ignored the tingle in her pulse.

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