Chapter 20

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I felt Simon jerk upright when we turned into my street.

"What the..what's he doing here?" He said as he pointed towards my house, glaring at whoever it was.

I turned my head and looked where he was pointing, letting out a gasp as soon as I recognised who it was.

Gabriel was standing there, right outside my house, leaning on the side of his car, with his head bowed down, his arms folded on his chest and one leg resting on the other.

"Don't get out of the car Nicola, I'll deal with him!" Simon said as he removed his seat belt and got ready to get off as the car pulled to a stop.

"No!" I said, grabbing his arm to stop him.

Simon paused, searching my face.

"Who is that guy Nicola?" He asked finally.

"Umm," I hesitated looking down. "That's Gabriel.." I finally said.

I felt Simon stiffen. He remained quiet for a while.

"What do you want me to do?" he finally said making me sigh in relief.

I had told Simon about Gabriel and he hates hates him for hurting me six years ago and I knew he was even more upset after what happened tonight and wanted to go out there and say something to him, but he still respected my decision.

"I will deal with him." I told him firmly.

Groaning he got out of the car muttering, "your no fun."

"Your such a child Simon," I grumbled back making him turn and pout at me.

I have to admit, I felt nervous. I have no idea why he was here. And if previous encounters proved anything, its that I would most probably get hurt again.

I let out a big sigh, might as well just get this over with soon so that I can  go inside and crawl into bed. I was so tired.

Letting out another sigh, which made Simon turn to me and roll his eyes at me, I too got out of the car. 

As my door opened, Gabriel turned his head toward me, but made no other movement.

He watched my every move, his head still downcast which made me feel really flustered.
He had discarded his suit jacket and tie and was now only in his white shirt with its arms rolled up. His muscles were now on full display as his arms were folded on his chest.

I cleared my throat making him straighten his head and look up at me.

"What are you doing here Gabriel?" I asked him softly.

"To talk to you," he answered shortly.

"Ok..." I said, slowly walking forward upto the hood of Simon's car and then stopped.

He raised his brows, looking at me and than glanced behind me at Simon.

"Alone?" He asked.

My eyes widened at that, my heart pumping. Alone with him? Here? I haven't been alone with him for a very long time. Even back at his place the twins or Paula was always in the house at all times. I wasn't so sure about asking Simon to leave.

I turned to Simon, giving him a nervous look, which made him instantly stand upright from his previous position, leaning against the car.

Looking back at Gabriel, I saw a look of pure pain cross his eyes, making his mouth open in shock. With a look of disbelief he ripped his eyes off me staring off into the distance. His entire posture had turned stiff.

I sighed, feeling like kicking myself.  Stop over reacting , what's he gonna do anyway? Your just nervous cause you don't trust yourself with him alone.

My eyes widened in disbelief at my perverted brain. Scolding myself I turned to Simon.

"You can go home, I will be fine."

As his mouth opened to protest I said, " I promise. He really is harmless."

He closed his mouth, hesitated, then walked up to me giving me a tight hug which I returned gladly. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head letting me go.

"Call me if you need me. I don't care how late." I nodded giving him a gentle push towards his car door which finally made him open it and get inside, but not before giving one final hard glare at Gabriel.

I shook my head smiling at him. I gave him a wave as the car pulled out of the driveway and I watched until they finally turned the corner. Now, only Gabriel and I were on the street.

The night was dark except for the faint light of the street lamps. I could hear the waves but it was too dark for me to see it.

Time to quit stalling and go face Mr Arrogant, still standing by his car, refusing to look at me.

I sighed walking upto him slowly. I stopped a few feet away from him.

"I'm too scary now to be alone with?"
He asked still looking in the distance where the sounds of the ocean can be heard from. His voice was bitter showing that he was hurt.

"Umm..why are you here Gabriel?" I asked him, tucking a strand of hair behind my ears, looking down avoiding his question and looking at him as well.

" I'm sorry." He said, after sometime, his voice more gentle now. I raised my head frowning,"for...?" I asked.

"For everything Nicola!" He said standing upright, running his hand through his hair.

"For the past six years, for letting us drift apart through misunderstandings. For never defending you when Jessica, Ryan or even my mother was being mean to you. I'm sorry for hurting you, misjudging you and letting others hurt you," he said all it in a rush moving forward standing right in front of me.

" And I'm sorry for tonight, for letting you think I was upset with you..for actually making you feel that you have no right to stand up to them." He said more gently.

"I'm so sorry for everything that I did that made me loose you..." He continued moving even closer, which made me take a step back shaking my head, very confused.

"But you were angry tonight."

" I was." He admitted, taking a deep breath and letting it out, looking into the distance again.

Now I was confused more than ever. Why was he angry if he wasn't angry? What? God, this man was making my head hurt! I turned to him, frowning.

He cleared his throat after sometime giving me a side glance. I tried searching his face to see if I could find answers. He turned his face down and buried his hands in his pocket.

"Actually...," He started, taking one hand out and rubbing the back of his neck with it. He looked nervous.

Why was he nervous? I wondered, getting really impatient.

He finally let out a breath in resignation, giving me a look to which I just stared back, frowning.

"I was watching you.... with that guy," he said his face turning dark as he nodded towards the street, in the direction where Simon's car went.

"I watched you two.. dancing.. talking.... and laughing." He stated hesitantly.

"Okay...?" I said, still confused.

" You looked so comfortable with him. So relaxed. Actually I have never really seen you that comfortable with anyone..accept me." He said, giving me another side glance. "Actually not even with me." He finished,his blue eyes staring right into mine, even in the dark I could seen them flash with so many emotions, making my eyes widen.

"Oh." I said, for lack of anything else to say. I'm still not sure I understood what he was saying.

"And when you saw me your entire mood changed!" Making me finally understand.

"Who is he Nicola?'' He asked softly.


Things finally seem to be going somewhere!

Thank you so much to all the readers. Hope you liked this chapter.

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