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Ethan Landry has just been taking over your thoughts lately.

You were just a lonely NYC girl until you met your new best friend, Tara Carpenter a couple of months ago. She had just moved into the city with her older sister and best friends.

They had survived a killing in Woodsboro. You soon learned that it wasn't just a normal killing; it was a Ghostface killing.

A long time ago, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher began killing tons of people while disguised in black cloaks and ghost masks.

Their identities were a secret until they revealed them. They planned to kill Billy's girlfriend, Sidney.

Unfortunately, these killings  inspired others. Ghostface killings have become a trend over the years. Some people even acted as if they were Ghostface, but never did any true harm. You noticed that Tara struggled with fake killers bothering her.

It's even harder on Sam, Tara's half-sister, since Billy Loomis is her father. Her boyfriend, Richie Kirsch was also one of the two ghostfaces, with the other one being Tara's ex- best friend, Amber Freeman.

You didn't know too much about Ghostface, but you know a lot of the kills that they make begin with a creepy phone call asking the victim questions about scary movies.

You didn't want anything to do with Ghostface, and you prayed there would never be a killer in New York. Most of the killings took place all the way in Woodsboro. What would drive him to come all the way here?

New York has been a good new start for Tara and Sam, but it also happened to be a new start for me. I had real friends now. Friends that weren't my roommate, Katelyn.

You and Tara's friendship began because her and Sam moved into the apartment complex that you lived in.

You were quickly entered the friend group of Woodsboro survivors. Chad and Mindy were hilarious twins that had come to New York with Tara and Sam.

Quinn Bailey is the slutty roommate of Sam and Tara. She wasn't from Woodsboro, but she got along with them rather quickly.

Anika Kayoko is the girlfriend of Mindy. They met just a couple of months ago, and you always thought that they were adorable together.

Saving the best for last, Ethan Landry is the roommate of Chad. They have a dorm at Blackmore University together. You couldn't thank Chad enough for introducing you to Ethan.

It felt like an instant click. As soon as the whole group was introduced to each other, Ethan and you just felt right.

Both of you were extremely nervous when you first met, but everyone could see the blush creeping onto your faces. Mindy still wouldn't let it go.

His handsome face was framed with bouncing brunette curls, and his teeth were fangs. You had teased him by calling him a vampire, which he just accepted.

The interaction was slightly awkward, but it was pure. Ethan was teased for being nerdy and often awkward, but all you saw was a sweet boy.

Since then, both of you have gotten a lot closer. You have really become a part of this friend group.

There truly was lots of tension between you and Ethan. Surprising thoughts provoked your mind when the two of you spent time together. You kept thinking of how perfect his lips would look against yours.

You had to stop thinking about him and think about something else.

Halloween was coming up, and Tara kept bugging you about some frat party she wanted to attend. You hoped that maybe that would keep your mind off Ethan before it drove you insane.

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