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The relief I got from knowing Rose loved the books I bought was something I haven't experienced in a long time.

Credits go to Bree. If she hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have gotten those books. Thanks to her, now I know what books to give Rose.

Other men spoil their girls with jewels and gold. I will spoil mine with the things she loves.


I don't usually plan dates. I've never planned a date for anyone in my whole life because I never wanted anything to be serious.

But Rose has changed me in many different ways.

Since today is our one year anniversary, I decided to take her out on a picnic in a park. I chose a spot by the lake where not many people were present so me and Rose could be alone.

"Never had I ever thought that I'd see Ryan Hartford set up a picnic for me." Rose said as I placed down our blanket and a basket carrying our picnic essentials.

"Never had I ever thought a girl would make me stay awake a whole night just to come up with a perfect date" I said and looked at Rose.

Her smile grew wider making her eyes small.

I want to make Rose smile like that everyday- everytime we're together. Because to know I'm the reason behind her beautiful smile, that's the most comforting thing to me.

Rose and I sat down on our blanket and I opened the basket to take out our food and drinks.

"This is a date just like in the books." Rose said staring at the sandwiches, fruits and drinks I brought.

"Only, this is not just ink on paper." I placed a soft kiss on her cheek, I didn't miss the pink spreading over her cheeks as she grinned. "Let's eat?"

"Wait." She said and turned to pick the wrapped box behind her.

I saw her grab it when we were leaving, I asked her what it was, she said that I'd find out when we get to our date.

"Are you finally going to tell me what's inside?" I asked

She nodded "you can open it. It's for you." She handed it to me and said "I wanted to gift you something meaningful for our one year anniversary- it was very hard, I almost had a mental breakdown."


She looked at me and noticed the worry on my face "don't worry, it wasn't that bad. I just wanted your gift to be perfect and then I came up with this..." She trailed off staring at the box placed in my hand "you know what... I'm not sure if you're going to like it.." she bit her lower lip without taking her eyes off the gift.

I lifted her chin up gently so she was looking at me "sweetheart if you decide to give me poison, I'd gladly take it."

Her eyes widened "okay shut up. I would never give you poison."

"it's an expression."

"Choose a different expression!"

I chuckled "okay." I pecked her lips then looked down at my gift "can I open it now?"

She took a deep breath before saying "yes."

I tried to be gentle but the tape was testing my patience, I ended up ripping off the wrapping paper which made Rose laugh.

Inside the wrapping paper was a small white box. I placed it on my lap and opened it. It contained a black book. On its cover it said 'Golden Days Should Always Be Remembered.'

I looked at Rose, her gaze snapped to mine "it's an album." She said then took it out of the box "it's not an empty album.." she opened the first page and handed it to me.

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