Chapter 7

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I walk inside the classroom and see everyone staring at their phones. Then, as they see me in the doorstep, they give me pitiful looks. I don't understand what's happening. I don't know if I want to understand.

Tessa steps inside, also with her phone in her hand. As she sees me, she puts a mischievous grin on. "Is Daddy still seeing that bitch, Your Royal Highness?" she asks. I have no idea what she means. As she notices that, she shows me the phone and I see it. The article that ruined my life.

"What have you done?" I ask her, hissing through my teeth.

"Thought the others should know the princess isn't as perfect as she seems to be."

"That's not true," I lie. She doesn't bite it.

"We've all seen the picture," she says and zooms in on the picture of the article, with Father kissing Gillian, not Mother, in a car. The photo that doomed my parents' marriage. The reason I'm afraid of cameras.

I bite my bottom lip shy. Tessa sees it and smirks bright: "That's what I thought. So, is he still seeing her? Is she your new Mommy?"

I freeze. I can see Darrel coming from behind me and threatening Tessa. I see it all blurry, from the tears that gather in my eyes. But, as someone once said, princesses don't cry. And it's fucking sad but true.

I tell Darrel it's okay and take control of the situation: "Everybody listen up," I say with my tone raised and all students turn to look at me. I continue: "I know what you've read and seen, and I know what you must be thinking. But I can assure you that my parents are very happy together. No matter what some," I give Tessa a look, "might be spreading as rumours. If you have something you want to ask or say about me or my family, I suggest you come directly to me in the future. Not to another party, who isn't at all involved in my life. Understood?" Everyone nods. "Now, if you'd excuse me." I say and walk outside. It's only when I'm out of the room and away from the classroom that I start crying. Because I lied. My parents aren't okay. Mother broke up with Father. They pretend to be a couple in front of the cameras, but in the safety of the palace, they ignore each other. Father lives with Gillian in one of the palace wings. No one except for the royal family and the people working there knows about this. The staff all signed a secrecy contract, swearing they'll keep their mouths shut. Mother is alone, spending most of her time painting sad pictures of dead flowers or reading about romance, knowing she'll never experience it again. She's bound with Father forever. Like it or not, they have to be the perfect couple in front of the public. They owe it to their land and their people. Their relationship at home got so toxic though, I needed to get out. I don't know how Karl does it. He still lives there with them and hasn't gone insane yet. He has my whole respect.

I'm on my way to the bathroom as I see the teacher coming. She stops to look at me as she sees me crying. I quickly wipe out my tears to look nice.

"Miss Delacroix, I'm sorry. I'll enter the classroom right now," I say, making my way towards the door. She stops me by calling out my name. I turn around to look at her.

"No. You don't seem well. Can I help you?" she asks. I shake my head politely. Miss Delacroix continues: "Look what we're going to do. There's a nice terrace on the rooftop. It's usually empty during classes. You go there calm down, and come back when you're feeling better. You're excused for today's class."

I look at her confused and shake my head again. She smiles at me reassuring. "Miss Estair, as much as I want you in my class today, I want you to be happy about being there and participate. Being in this state won't bring that," she adds. I sigh. She continues: "So, go calm down. It's important."

"Thank you," I whisper and she nods understanding, making her way to the classroom. I look for the first staircase and go up until the last door, where there's only one door leading outside. I want to open it, then notice Darrel behind me.

"Darrel, would it be okay if I go alone?" I ask. I need my space.

He shakes his head worried: "Your Royal Highness, something might happen. What if anybody comes?"

"You can stay in front of the door. It's the only way in-or-out. I'll be safe."

He makes no sign to agree.

"Please, Darrel. I really need to be alone."

He sighs annoyed then gives up: "Alright. But don't take long."

I look at him grateful and whisper: "Thank you, Darrel." He only smiles at me.

I curl my fingers around the handle and open the door. As soon as I'm outside, I close it as fast as I can and make myself on the way to the railing. However, I quickly freeze, seeing I'm not alone. A guy, probably with a good head or so taller than me is leaning on the railing. He is with his back at the door, so I only get to see him from behind. His curly hair is long, reaching his shoulders. He's wearing jeans and a shirt that falls messy on him. His feet are covered in white sneakers. I can see a cigarette in one of his hands. As he turns around, he stares at me with a pair of grey eyes. They're cold, making me shiver. His face is serious. He doesn't smile.

I must have stood there like frozen for ages, since he is the first one to break the silence: "Want a puff?"

I'm so surprised by what he just asked me, that the words come out without me thinking about them first: "I'm sorry, what?!".

His eyes don't wonder off me as he continues: "Do you want a puff?"

"Why would I want that?!" I snap. 

He doesn't change the cold way he speaks as he answers: "Since you look miserable."

I am offended. "Do you think I look miserable?"

He flinches. Finally some sign of life in that frozen expression: "I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to say that you look sad." He stops for a while and asks: "Do you want a puff?"

This guy is impossible. However, I am a princess and I have to be polite. "No, thank you."

"As you wish. I also have some alcohol if you want. That might help."

I roll my eyes and find it hard to still be polite. "I'm good, thanks."

"You don't drink?" he asks interested. I sigh annoyed.

"No, I don't."

"Good girl", he lets out and I feel the urge to punch him. Yet I don't do it and silence installs between us. After a while, he asks again: "Seriously, do you have any flaw?"

Forget punching, I want to kill him. "I do. I am talking to you right now."

He smirks, probably not thinking me capable of insulting people. I turn annoyed away from him and walk towards the door. I am a few metres away from my salvation, as he says: "It was nice meeting you, Foxy."

I turn around to look at him. He was already staring.

"Foxy?! Are you kidding me?!"

"You haven't told me your name. So I decided I'll give you one. You're feisty. So Foxy."

I roll my eyes dramatically at him. He smirks. As I open the door to leave, he says my new nickname again: "Bye, Foxy."

I just walk out and close the door, hoping I'll never have to see this guy again.

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