Surprise- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 933

You grabbed your keys and phone out of your work locker, texting your girlfriend, Jenna, who was still filming in Romania.

You: hey baby, I know you are getting ready for filming right now so don't worry about responding. I love you, have a great day. <3

You went to set your phone back in your pocket, but it buzzed, giving you a little hope.

Jen<3: yeah, filming is going to be all day today so I probably won't be able to text you till later tonight. But I can talk a little bit for now, how was your day?

You: not going to lie, pretty shitty. I got fired from my temp job and just didn't have the best day.

Jen<3: I'm sorry baby, what can I do?

You: nothing, it's okay. I just wish you were here.

Jen<3: me too, I'm sorry I've been gone so long.

You: no I understand

Jen<3: I'm sorry mi amor, I have to go for now.

You: it's alright baby, I love you!

Jen<3: I love you more!

As you set your phone back in your pocket you rushed out of the building and to your car. It had been one of the worst days of work you had ever had, and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep. You turned the keys in the ignition and started the hour-long drive home.

***flashback to earlier in the day***

"Y/n! You're ten minutes late!" Your manager yelled as you stormed behind the counter. You had been working a temporary fast food job in the months between projects.

"I know, I'm sorry, traffic was awful." You admitted, tying your apron behind your waist and pulling your hair back.

"Don't let it happen again," he warned before returning to the kitchen. You took a deep breath and got ready for the rest of the day. Luckily you had gotten there before the restaurant opened, so no customers had to witness your humiliation.

However. You didn't know that was just the start of your bad day.

After showing up late, being yelled at by your boss, and being sick earlier in the day, you had seven customers yell at you because their food orders were wrong *even though that's not your fault* you burned your arm on the stove, and had a small child kick you in the shin. And... you got fired.

'budget cuts' was the excuse your manager gave you, but you knew that was bullshit. Your relationship with Jenna had always been public, and he had always been openly homophobic. You knew he was just looking for any excuse to fire you, so he used the complaints today as means to do so.

You had tossed your uniform and name tag onto the counter before breaking down in the bathroom and gathering the rest of your things.

"Sorry it had to end like this." your boss taunted as you began to leave. You just flipped him the bird and ignored his antics, glad you never had to go back there.

***end flashback***

You pulled into the car garage at your apartment complex, your eyes were tired from driving for so long. All you wanted to do was eat a quick dinner and go to bed. You walked up the four flights of stairs to your apartment and unlocked the door, immediately throwing all of your stuff on the ground.

"Well, hey there stranger." A sweet voice said, the sound putting life back into your body as you realized who it was.

"Jen!" You yelled, looking up from the floor. The small brunette was sitting on the couch in the living room, a smile on her face. Her hair was much longer than the last time you had seen her and her eyes were full of excitement. You ran toward her as she stood from the couch and wrapped your arms around her waist tightly. She smelled strongly of your shampoo, her soft hair covering the two of you. "I missed you so much." You sighed, holding her even closer.

"I missed you to baby," she cooed, wrapping her legs around your body, allowing you to hold her. "I'm sorry that you had a bad day," she whispered, turning your head so you would look at her.

"I don't even care about that anymore, I'm just so happy you're here." You smiled and kissed her quickly, her soft lips welcoming you after so long apart. Her hand cupped your cheek as she leaned into you, clearly needing this reunion just as much as you did.

"You really did miss me, huh?" She laughed, looking into your eyes as she joked. You just smiled and kissed her once again, your lips fitting perfectly with one another.

"Wait, when the hell did you get home?" You asked, setting her back down on. A blush formed on her cheeks as she looked back at you.

"A few hours ago, I wanted to surprise you." She giggled, her arms wrapping daintily around your neck.

"Well, you definitely surprised me." Her eyes filled with love as you spoke and she could see the way it made you smile. "I mean I still thought you were in Romania."

"That was the point," she stood on her tiptoes to kiss you again, her fingers playing with the hair on the back of your neck.

"I love you so much Jenna." You whispered, your thumbs looping in her jeans.

"I love you cara mia." She smiled, quoting the line she had gained while shooting Wednesday.

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