Chapter 50- Candy Bracelet

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"But be careful

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"But be careful." -Grayson Hawthorne


I held onto Grayson's arm as we walked down the halls to the Great Room. Everything was electrifying, every little step he made kept me on my toes. I wanted nothing more than to kiss him again but he wouldn't stop talking.

It was odd, Grayson was usually either a listener and only spoke when necessary but here he was rambling on and on about, well, anything. "And the carpet was actually chosen by Nash. You know? The carpet that lines the halls but doesn't actually touch the walls so it's more like a runway carpet than a carpeted floor?" he asked me. I nodded and looked down at the ground, on the carpet he was talking about.

God, he was so incredibly attractive when he didn't know how to stop talking. This was what I wanted. I wanted to know him and I was, little by little. "He originally chose it for me. Said it was because the carpet was soft and reminded him of my hair" he explained. I smiled to myself, "Is that why you're secretly obsessed with it?" I asked, teasing him. This elicited a small chuckle, and jesus, I wanted to bottle up the sound so I could listen to it any time I wanted to. "If you noticed, then it isn't much of a secret obsession anymore." he grinned.

My leg buzzed with slight pain but I ignored it. My eyes were on Grayson as he continued rambling about the architecture of the House. I watched his lips move with each word, the same lips that had just been on mine. He licked them before pointing at some wall as he explained it. I wanted to listen, really I did, but my mind kept wandering back to the feeling of his mouth, the taste of his lips. 

The Kiss lasted for an eternity, yet it ended so soon. I might need another and another and another to survive the day.

"Did you notice it?" he asked, my ears unmuffled and I heard him. "Huh?" I asked, not exactly sure what he was talking about. "The little flowers carved on the bottom of the walls." he said, turning back to me. I had to lift my eyes from his lips to his eyes so he would think I wasn't staring. "No, I don't think I ever did." I replied, attempting to look relaxed and calm. Grayson nodded and opened his mouth to talk more about it but my ears blocked out his words again.

We both turned a corner and bumped into Xander, "There you both are!" he exclaimed, I tore my eyes away from the blonde man. "What do you mean?" Grayson asked, he seemed to stiffen beside me and his voice turned from cozy to stoic. "Avery solved it, we need you guys." he explained. I wanted to say that I solved it with her but in actuality, she did the most work. All I did was figure out the painting while she figured out the code, and nearly got shot for it too.

"And you helped her do it?" Grayson asked, sounding suspicious but he didn't make it obvious enough for me to feel wary around the youngest Hawthorne brother. "Yes, since no one else was going to." Xander rolled his eyes jokingly, as if he knew something more. "And she's in the Great Room?" I asked, breaking my silence. Xander nodded and began walking ahead of us. I glanced at Grayson but to my surprise he was already looking at me, watching my reaction to the things his brother was saying. 

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