28- Caught in the crossfire

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"What do you want?" Dagon questions Emilia. She smiles. It's suspicious.

"I have this big bucket and I want it filled with your blood"

Huh? Why would she want Dagon's blood?

"I'll give you a tiny amount that's enough to keep you alive until you break the curse and after you break the curse, you'll get your bucket" he states.

Did he just agree without thinking? Is it even safe?

And why does she need his blood?

"I want the bucket full now" she mutters.

Dagon steps towards her, threateningly.

"Unfortunately, we're doing this my way"

I grab his hand, pulling him to the side.

"She's my best chance at surviving. Be nice" I mumble. I mean he can negotiate peacefully, it doesn't need to be glares and fangs.

"She can't be trusted. It has to be done this way. Trust me okay?"

Like a fool, I nod. Damn his blue eyes. Damn my heart.

"Why does she need your blood?" I ask.

"She's been alive for over a hundred years, she uses a spell to stay young and strong but the spell isn't complete without vampire blood...well my blood"

Oh... that's why she kept talking to us like we were children.

Why does she need his blood?

He said vampire blood and said his blood.

Which means his blood specifically.

But why?

That feels like a whole other conversation.

"Fine, we'll do it your way" she agrees.

So easily?

As he promised, Dagon cuts open his palm and puts a few drops of his blood into a cup.

I fight the urge to ask if he is okay. I mean, of course, he's okay. But...

"Now, come with me there's much to be done"

Emilia mutters motioning for me. I start following her and Dagon tries to follow too but he can't.

He can't walk towards us.

"Dagon" I try to walk back to him but I can't.

"What did you do, witch?" He grits.

Of course, she did this.

"Now, we're doing this on my terms. I will get acquainted with Daphne while you get me the ingredients I need"

"And I'm supposed to trust you not to hurt her?"

She won't hurt me. She needs to save me so she can get Dagon's blood.

"I'm fine, really" I mutter. He doesn't look convinced but he stops fighting the boundary.

"I need cloud stone, dragon incense, parrot potion, a dagger made of iron, and Universal solvent"

Those are the strangest things I've heard. Do they even exist?

"Be safe" is all he says before disappearing like the wind.

My chest twists, I don't want to be here alone with this witch. I want to go with him.

I can't be a baby now, I need to act like I know what I'm doing.

I follow her into another room, it's as creepy as the first one.

"I wonder what you saw in him? I mean he is a sight for sore eyes but that temper...oh no"

Okay... I'm not sure I'm comfortable talking about this with her.

"So, you're dying?" I ask.

"Unfortunately, that's why I need his blood. I could have taken it by force obviously... like melting his brain which would probably cause him enough pain to make him pass out. Or I could have easily snapped his neck with my powers...but I'm weak. And the blood has to be given willingly"

She just gave me a graphic picture of how she wanted to hurt him. Hurt Dagon. My stomach twists, I can't imagine him in pain.

"Why do you need his blood?" I question, distracting myself.

"Oh, he didn't tell you?"

I shake my head.

"Well, his father, the vampire King wanted nothing to do with his mother, Helena. So, she found me and made me manipulate the King into sleeping with her. She thought Dagon would bring her back into the palace but the King ended up rejecting the child. Anyways, as payment, she gave me his blood when he was born... enough to allow me live for some years. Now, only his blood can make the potion"

My eyes are wide in surprise. What kind of woman was Helena? How could she manipulate the King into sleeping with her? How could she offer her child's blood to Emilia? Was she really just selfish and self-centered? Is that the woman he grew up with? I can't imagine what his childhood was like.

His father obviously didn't care and still doesn't.

Dagon has always been with me when I was low...I wonder if he has ever needed me and I wasn't there.

"Child, give me your palm"

I extend my palm. She looks at it carefully.

"Damned to love who you should not love and damned to be loved by someone you don't love"

What? I replay her words in my head.

She's talking about the three of us. Dagon, Caspian, and me.

"The three of you are connected...and one of you will die. And it's not the wolf."

My heart seizes in my throat.


"W-who?" I ask. It can't be Dagon. It can't be him. I can't not see his blue eyes or raven hair. I can't not hug him. I can't not kiss him. I can't not have him with me.

"I'm afraid I can't see anymore. It's clear the wolf won't die so...if the curse is broken then the vampire will die. If the curse is not broken, you will die"

"Also, the ingredients I need to break the curse are almost impossible to find so you might die... unless he manages to find them"


So, if I want to live, he will die? Then what's the point?

"Don't look so grim, I told you it can't be a happy ending. It's just not possible"

Can't we just go back to kisses and arguments?

Can't we go back to when things were simple?

I can't lose Dagon.

An uneasy heaviness settles in my chest.

I can't lose him.

I can't lose the only person I have left.

I can't lose the guy who said he can't lose me.

I can't lose the guy who took care of me.

I can't lose the guy I love.

I love him. And I can't lose him.


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It doesn't end well...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt