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DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains smut and if you're not comfortable with reading it. Skip to the next chapter once you see the (***) that signal the beginning of the scene.

Kimberly's gaze follows them and as soon as they have walked out the door, she turns and finds everyone staring. "Oh, I didn't introduce him. He's a friend of mine from Sicily, he actually the one I was meeting earlier tonight so I couldn't make it to dinner. Sorry if he seemed standoffish, he's really not a people person and is really reserved" everyone nods wordlessly and as she goes back to her now warm coffee and cake there's an awkward silence. Mariano's wife decides to speak about her business and how the new clothing line is coming along and the silence is filled. The conversation carries but uncle James's gaze won't leave his daughter since she arrived but he also hasn't said a word. Kayla comes skipping back seeming victorious and a car engine hums before it drives away.

At around 9:30 the gang starts saying their goodbyes and thanking aunt Grace and uncle James for the hospitality and I gather a sleeping Kayla from the sofa and hoist her on my arms after my goodbyes, I start heading to the car leaving Kimberly behind with her parents. I carefully place my daughter in the back seat fastening her seatbelt and shutting the door quietly then turned to my friends, "Thanks for coming guys, the dinner was fun. Make sure to get home safe" I said. "You're lucky am fucking tired right now but I will say, if you're not careful that Italian hunk will scoop your wife away to Italy so you better do something soon," Kyle chastised as he led his wife to their vehicle. Mariano's wife hugged me goodbye before Mariano followed suit and soon the were on their merry way.

Kimberly emerged a few minutes after and she beelined towards me. "I was hoping to catch a ride with you if its not too much trouble since we're neighbors but if not, I'll just call my driver" "Get in the car Bella, our daughter needs to get to bed soon" I spat annoyed as I yanked the passenger door open. She looked at me for a while before she moved and got in and I slammed the door shut before rounding to the driver's side hoping my stunt didn't wake up Kayla. Luckily, she didn't wake up and soon we were heading home.

I stopped the car on my driveway and got out heading towards my daughter. As soon as I got her, still asleep, I went towards my front door and after it was unlocked, I took her to her bedroom and tucked her in after getting her ready for bed. I went back downstairs since I had left Kimberly outside and was going to lock up in case she left and went to her own place but to my surprise she was in my living room enjoying my cognac while looking through her emails.

When she saw me, she placed her phone aside, got up and walked to the kitchen and I followed her.

"Done having a temper tantrum or should I go back to answering my emails till you're ready to behave like a grown man?" she spoke calmly while her back was to me, "Done acting like you're in control or should I indulge you more," I threw back.


"Well husband, it seems am the only one taking initiative these days so I might as well be in control" I moved towards her slowly till I was directly behind her and pushed her hair to the side before hovering my lips on her neck. She responded immediately by bending it sideways allowing me more access and she also pushed her ass right on my groin making my hands move directly to her hips as I finally kissed her neck. That long, milky and beautiful neck that I've been dying to kiss, to wrap my hand around it, to choke her so good while am driving deep inside her warm cunt just like before.

I continue biting and sucking on the specific spot that always made her wild with need and she aggressively grinds on my now hard d*ck making me wild with need and so hot for her. I turn her around and immediately attack her lips and devour them with so much need. Need on for her, need for the only way she made me feel with her kisses, her caresses, her vulnerability just for me letting me make her feel so good. My hands roam all over her body needing to feel her and cement the realness of this moment. I trail my lips to her earlobe nibbling and she releases those sweet moans only I should ever hear. Down to her neck where I continue my assault leaving marks, claiming her as mine to the world and most especially to that Italian thug.

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