If I can't have you, then no one can

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(In which Ethan has a tremendous crush on you, but you, who is inseparable with Sam, it's very evident that the two of you have affections for each other, this action made him upset and jealous

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(In which Ethan has a tremendous crush on you, but you, who is inseparable with Sam, it's very evident that the two of you have affections for each other, this action made him upset and jealous. That's why, when they revealed they were the Ghostface, he made a fuss and threatened them.)

It's evident that Ethan has a huge crush on you. The way he appeared, acted, and spoke to you caught the attention of the others. He always purchased your favorite coffee and snacks, always trying to talk to you and get as close to you as he could. The older Carpenter became envious as a result of his actions. Sam could tell you were different the instant she lay eyes on you. You were Mindy's schoolmate and Anika's friend, and they introduced you to the others, which is how you met Sam. She was harsh, cruel, and skeptical of you at first, but as time passed, she gradually understood that you had no bad intentions toward them and that you were unlike any other individual she had met.

You and Sam grew closer, always together and unable to be separated, it's also noticeable that Sam became quite protective of you, always walking you home, checking if you have pepper spray with you, can't leave you alone, putting an arm around you and glaring when someone looks at you differently, and always asking if you've eaten. Not long enough, you began to develop feelings for her.

Tara and the others were aware of this and poked fun of Sam as a result. Tara was just thrilled that her sister may finally have someone who could actually make her happy; despite Ghostface being there and trying to stick a knife at them, she weirdly trusted you. You just have this aura around you that says you're trustworthy and there's nothing to be afraid of. You were thoughtful, lovely, and caring. Others claim that people can act like they have personalities, but the way you interact with elderly, particularly children, demonstrates that you have a compassionate soul. So she's fine with you as well as the others.

You and Sam were continually trying to steal a glimpse at each other, sitting as close as possible. The flirting and looking were obvious, but neither of you tried to admit it. Both were afraid it would ruin their friendship. Ethan can see how close you two are, and that irritates him. No matter what he did to get your attention, you still had your sights on her.

You merely had a slice on your arm and nothing else when Ghostface attacked the flat. Even though you just had a minor cut, Sam became even more protective of you, she always had her arm around you, holding your hands wherever and never taking her gaze away from you...

You stood behind Sam, clutching her hand, both of you looking nervously at the two Ghostface and detective Bailey in front of you. You didn't know where Tara went, but she raced in the opposite direction that you and Sam did. You started to go after her, but Sam swiftly drew you back as she saw Ghostface coming to them.

"Ahhh, Sam, protecting her precious Y/N once more," Bailey chuckled, sickly shaking his head.

"You won't get hurt if you come with us Y/N, join us" one of the ghosts stated, perplexed as you glanced at him. "What?" you asked, looking at Sam, who was also perplexed. She squeezed your hand as she looked at you for a second before returning her gaze to them.

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