Chapter 13: Sunset's Embrace

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Your POV

Deciding I wasn't going to let my personal issues get in the way of celebrating such a major achievement, I chose to go to the wrap party after all. I didn't really have a choice anyway, since Troy, Lily, and Gio showed up at my doorstep unannounced with a bottle of tequila. I wanted to be in my right mind if I happened to face Jenna, but I also needed the slight boost of confidence that the liquor provided, so I took 1 or 2 swigs.

Okay... 3. I took 3 swigs.

She and I haven't spoken since the trailer incident and in my mind silence is never a good thing, so I was trying to accept the fact that I messed things up and I was going to have to act cordial should I see her tonight. It was a huge, awfully bitter pill to swallow, but I didn't see any other choice. Jenna herself called me her friend, and that was all the confirmation I needed. Whatever signals I thought I was receiving from her were clearly misread on my end and I tried to be grateful for the moments we did share together, though all that was doing was breaking my heart little by little. Regardless, I'd rather be her friend than not be in her life at all, so I had to bite the bullet. It didn't really matter anyway because we were done filming - Jenna and the cast would be inexplicably busy with press and filming other projects soon and I'd be on the search for another job. Our little Romania bubble was bursting and there was nothing I could do about it.

Nonetheless, thanks to the tequila I was feeling okay on the way to set, reminiscing about the past year. I was overwhelmed with gratitude, excitement, and a little bit of disbelief at how much my world had changed, especially over the past couple of weeks.

"I can't believe we're done. I'm gonna miss you guys a lot." Gio spoke up from the front seat of the Uber.

"We all live in LA, Gio. I'm sure I'll see you all sooner than I'd like to." Troy teases and nudges my shoulder with a cheeky smile just as we pull up to the soundstage.

"Yeah, yeah. You're obviously masking your pain with humor. I'll miss you too, T." I smile a heartfelt smile which he returns before I open my door. We all thank the driver before shuffling out and making our way to the building where we can already hear music and mingling. Actually being here now caused a rift of nerves to course through me but I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the bittersweet truth that it'll all be over soon.

"Wish me luck with Georgie, guys." Lily whispers as we make our entrance and it makes me laugh.

"Go get em, tiger." I respond and she's off into the crowd, clearly on a mission. There's tons of people here; some I've never even seen before. It was as a humbling reminder of how much workforce goes into making a TV show.

"Who the hell are these people?" Troy whispers to me as we make our way through the crowd.

"You read my mind." I chuckle in response as we approach a group of extras we were familiar with. We're greeted with hugs and smiles, all of us filled with excitement and relief and a little bit of sadness with filming being over. I tried to stay engaged in the conversations around me, but I couldn't help but keep my head on a swivel in search of a certain small, raven-haired woman. I thought I was being inconspicuous until Troy leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"She's obviously here somehwere, Y/n. Relax, and let her come to you." His words make me feel a bit at ease and I nod in reluctant agreement, pulling my focus back to the conversation in front of me. I had told him everything that happened in the trailer, leaving out any details of my revisit to the past since he didn't know about that, and he's been nothing but supportive, as he always has been. I really appreciated him, especially now.

"Y/n! Troy!" Someone's arms abruptly wrap around my shoulders from behind and judging by the high-pitched voice, it had to be Emma. I turn around and my suspicions are confirmed when I see a very excited blonde bouncing on her toes.

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