chapter one

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Grace POV; I'm getting off work driving to Oliver daycare as I was leaving work they called and said Oliver had another incident he hit a employee.

His dad didn't want anything to do with the pregnancy so it's just been me  and him in my one bedroom apartment.

I get to the daycare try to make it where he can stay but nothing worked.

"Hi bug you ready to go home" I say bouncing him a little.

"Yes" he says

"Cover your ears bug" I say before Starting the car.

"I hear someone wants McDonald's for dinner " I say turning into McDonald's.

Oliver claps his hands.

I get him a happy meal then me some nuggets.

Then head on home I get him settled in the living room then head into our bedroom to call mom.

Grace mom: hello

Grace: hey mom

Grace mom: everything okay sweetheart

Grace: not really Oliver got kicked out of daycare

Grace mom: oh sweetheart I wish I could help but we won't be back until next week.

Grace: I know it's just I don't know what to do now I guess I'm going to have to take him to work with me tomorrow.

Grace mom: I'm sorry sweetie

Grace: it's not his fault I can't even be mad at him

Grace mom: just be patient sweetheart just breathe I have to go now I love you

Grace: I love you too mom

I walk back into the living room to Oliver watching tv.

After we eat Oliver came to cuddle with me we ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I wake up in the middle of the night and move us into our room.


I got both of us ready now I'm in my office Oliver is watching TV on my phone.

"Grace do you have those papers ready" my boss says walking into my office.

"I can explain" I say looking at Oliver.

He closes my door and sits down next to Oliver.

I get up I already see what's about to happen.

"He is autistic you have to approach him slowly" I say picking up Oliver and sitting next to Gabriel.

"Why isn't he at daycare" Gabriel asks.

"He was in daycare he got kicked out yesterday for hitting another employee" I say.

"Mama" Oliver says.

"Is he okay" Gabriel asks

"Yeah just doesn't do well with meeting new people " I say pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and pulling my shirt down helping him latch on.

"Wanna have lunch together" he asks.

"Sure" I say as my cheeks turn red.

"So I'm guessing his father isn't in the picture " he says

"Yeah he didn't want anything to do with him he doesn't even know what Oliver looks like or that he has autism"I say leaning back into the couch.

"You know grace I have had my eyes on you the since the first time I saw you walk into my office" he say leaning back putting his arm around me Oliver reaches out from under the blanket and grabs his finger.

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