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3 years later (3 and a half year to be very particular)

Enisha's POV:

"Li, why no one wuvs Nia? Why evyone hurt me?" I asked Lina, who was stroking my hair with her hands. She froze, hearing what I said.

"Enisha baby listen to me carefully, not everyone in this world is good, but that doesn't mean everyone is bad either, okay? Like I never hurt you, there will be a lot of good people in your life too. And don't say that no one loves you, you know I love you a lot and then there is your mommy, daddy, and brothers they love you too" she said looking at me with sad eyes.

"But master and sir said Nia mommy daddy no luv her," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Baby don't listen to them, your mommy and daddy love you very much, and they are searching for you" she answered softly, wiping my tears.

"Angel, someday you'll have to run away from here, when you do, go to some police station, they'll help you find your parents then you can live with them and be happy," she said looking into my eyes.

When I was about to answer her, cold water was thrown onto me, and I woke up with gasping and coughing. I looked up to see sir looking at me angry, a bucket in his hand. That's when I realized I was dreaming, but it wasn't a dream; it was the last conversation I had with Li. I looked up and accidentally made eye contact with sir ; the moment I looked down, I received a slap on my cheek. I deserved it, I broke the rule of never looking into their eyes.

"how many times have i told you don't look into my eyes, you brat" he said kicking me continuously while i curled into a ball to protect myself. He continued kicking and punching me for a while and finally stopped after what felt forever.

He looked at me disgustingly and said "Master will be here today , be ready he might take you away today". then he turned around and left the room.

As soon as his words registered in my mind my eyes widen. Not master, please. He hurts me more than others . Just then i remembered that Lina told me that i need to run away from this place before master comes or i won't ever be able to see mommy-daddy.But i really wanna see mommy daddy. I need to run away today and then i'll meet mommy daddy and maybe they will love me like Lina said.

I'll run away when sir leaves the house for his work .

When i heard the front door closing i decided to start with my plan.but the moment i try to get up i fall down on the floor because of the pain. i start whimpering due to all the pain

how am i going to escape if i can't even move?

But i have to.... for mommy and daddy.I want to meet them. I want to ask them if they love me.keeping this thought in mind i got up again and made my way to the corner and picked my bag which was given to me by Lina . If i am leaving forever i need to take my best friend buttercup with me . I then remembered about the necklace Lina gave me , i looked for it in the bag and put it on.

this is the necklace:

this is the necklace:

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packing all my important things i limp to the kitchen. I know the meaning of limp because my teacher taught me .He taught me a lot of things and also told me that i am very smart .Busy in the thoughts of my teacher i didn't realise when i reached the kitchen.

i looked around for food, sir hasn't fed me for 2 days. i found some packed cakes and kept them in my bag along with a bottle of water. I looked at the window in the kitchen and thought 'Sir must have locked the front door so i should escape from this window' . Realising that it is too high i dragged a chair to it and climbed on it ; i opened the window and felt cool breeze on my face.

i discovered it was higher than i thought when i peered out of the window. But i need to do it.

i took a deep breath and jumped out. I felt pain course through my body as i landed on my feet but i was too excited to care.Now i just need to reach the police station like Li told me then they'll help me meet mommy daddy.

i began strolling down the route Lina had told me, looking at everything around me . it was the first time i had come out during the day. I finally saw the sun thing teacher always told me about but i couldn't look at it for too long ; it was too bright . It hurt my eyes , i stopped moving and rubbed my eyes till i felt better.

I started walking again when i noticed a butterfly  i started running after it . I was so focused on following it that I missed the fact that I came to a road and saw no car coming directly at me and by the time i did ,it was too late.

i couldn't move i stood there frozen, looking at the car coming towards me and then....

everything blacked out.


thank you for reading.

let me know what you think about the chapter

what do you think will happen next.

i hope you enjoyed the chapter.

see you in the next chapter.

love you all <3

have a great day!!!

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