Chapter - 8 (i)

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[ when you get jealous of his girl best friend ]


"I prefer Switzerland." Taehyung whined. "And I prefer Paris." You huffed.

A nice Saturday morning, with birds chirping and the sun shining with its full glory. But you both had decided to bicker early in the morning only for the place you wanted to visit first.

"Paris is just so beautiful! I have always wanted to visit it Tae." You poked his biceps with your index finger and made a pout. He secretly smiled. "We'll visit it, but first we'll go to Switzerland." He was about to book the ticket but you stopped him. "What's there in Switzerland? See-" You took out your phone and opened your gallery. "Look! Paris is wonderful!"

He glanced at the photos and rolled his eyes. "I have visited all of those places Y/n. I have practically lived in Paris for 4 years." He groaned in annoyance. He kept his ipad on the table and took out his phone and showed you a few pics of Switzerland. "Saw? How mesmerizing, attractive, calming, magnificent and peaceful Switzerland is?"

You crossed your arms infront of your chest. "But we can visit it later! Let's go to Paris first and then Switzerland!" He shut his eyes and pinched his nose bridge. Glancing at you, he asked in a tired voice. "Why are you so eager to go there?"

"Because Paris is known as the City of Love and-" You abruptly stopped and gasped as those words left your mouth while Taehyung started to cough. You bit your lips, wishing to dig a hole and bury yourself as he stared at you. He was trying to understand your indirect words as his heart swooned in happiness. His eyes softened and he internally chuckled seeing you shutting your eyes tight in embarrassment. He wanted to tell you so many things, but how could he when he was busy staring at you?

As if realization hit you, you at once stood up... grabbed the ipad... smirked at him... and ran away... taking him aback. "Yah Kim Y/n!" He got up from the couch and started to chase you. You giggled and stood beside the bed, facing him. You were standing on one side while he was on the other. "Okay now, give me that." He demanded while smiling. "Give you what? Pillow? Chair?" You smirked.

"The ipad." You shook your head at his words. "Nopes..." You grinned at him, making him frown. Instead of replying, he attempted to chase you again as you let out a yelp and dashed towards the door, but he was quick enough to go ahead of you and block the door. You laughed seeing him standing in front of the door with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"There there, seems like you've got trapped, kitten." He smirked as blush crept on your cheeks. You turned around and ran towards the balcony, but a grip on your wrist stopped you. You lost your balance and stepped on his foot as he took a step back. You turned around with your one hand in his grip and the other hand gripping the ipad tightly. He attempted to wrap his other arm around you to balance you both but your clumsy ass couldn't stay still and stepped on his other foot which made him lose his balance and he fell backwards with you in his arms.

You closed your eyes shut, thinking you would get hurt, but instead...

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