Chapter 6

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The rest walked in and they looked confused as fuck but what will their reactions be once I tell them everything?

They all sat down and Luca squeezed my hand. "I have something to say and show you that none of you are going to like and please don't interrupt me because this is hard to talk about." I said squeezing Luca's hand making him squeeze tightly but not too strong.

"Jake and Mary never treated me well, they made me do things I didn't like. They created the person I am." I spoke then took deep breaths before talking again.

"They beat me to the point I was nearly dying because of them. I have ribs that I'm pretty sure are broken and I'm pretty sure my knee is dislocated." I said while fidgeting with my necklace.

They made me kill people when I didn't want to so, then I became an assassin. Then, I started street racing and then started getting into bad fights until I started becoming popular and that's how I got the name Dark Angel.

"Are you hurt now?" Dante's voice cracked.

"Yes, it's not a pretty sight." Luca answered for me.

"You saw?" Alessio's voice cracked like Dante's did.

"We were having a twin moment and she said she had something to tell us then she told me the story and showed me after I asked." Luca said sniffling.

"Can we see amore?" Lorenzo asked coldly.

I looked at Luca and we stood up from our seats. I lifted my shirt and gasps were heard around the room. "My knee is also dislocated because of them." I said making them all stand up shocked.

"How are you alive and moving?" Matteo asked coldly making my facial expression turn blank. I know his anger isn't towards me it's towards Jake and Mary.

"Painkillers." I said coldly with a blank expression on my face.

Emiliano walked over toward me and was eyeing my bruises. "Dad, I need to take her to the hospital, she has too many injuries that I don't have the stuff here for." Emiliano said.

"Let's take her now." Alessio commands as he stands up.

"I'm going to pick you up okay, love?" Emiliano said making me nod and he picked me up the bridal way causing me to wince in pain.

"Are you okay?" Luca asked worried causing me to nod.

Emiliano walked out of the office with everyone following and then down the stairs out the front door to the family vehicle.

Domenico opened the door and then Emiliano place me in my spot then got into his seat next to Lorenzo. Domenico got in and closed the door once he was in the car.

I crawled into Luca's lap carefully and laid my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes letting the darkness consume me.


Luca Romano

Once Emiliano finished checking Sorella out he came out and got us but the look on his face was not a good one, if I'm being honest.

Emiliano said her injuries are worse than we thought, most of her ribs but three were broken and bruised badly and she had two wounds that looked they were put there recently.

There were welts on her back and some of them were bad. Her knee was dislocated badly and was swollen and black and blue. I felt tears run down my cheeks making me wipe them away.

Everyone was in the hall talking about her and I couldn't listen anymore so I came in here and sat with her. "Please wake up Bella, I can't lose you again." My voice cracked.

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