The Hangover

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Hannah woke up and didn't know where she was.

She looked around to see she was in the yacht. But what she also saw wasn't much of a relief.

Mason was sleeping peacefully right next to her. But that wasn't the worst thing that Hannah discovered, he wasn't wearing a shirt and she wasn't wearing any pants.

Hannah quietly but quickly got out of the bed and picked up her shorts that were thrown on the ground and quickly put them on.

Hannah started to panic and she had totally forgotten that Mason was right by her. He grumbled, "Can you be a little quieter? I'm trying to sleep."

"Oh sorry." Hannah said. "Maybe Mason had forgotten about what happened last night or maybe nothing did happen last night", Hannah thought to herself.

Hannah was afraid to go back to the house and face everyone and she also had a killer hangover so she decided she would just go back to sleep on the couch.

Hannah wasn't the only one to have a surprise awaiting her in the morning. When Jules woke up she discovered that the neighbor, Noah, was sleeping right next to her. Jules checked underneath the sheets to see that they both only had their undergarments on.

"Oh fuck. What about Jake? Should I tell him? Should I break up with him? Do I even like Noah? And do I still love Jake?" Jules had all of these questions in her head and the hangover headache wasn't helping.

"I'm already a terrible girlfriend. Might as well get some sleep." Jules thought to herself as she pulled the covers over her and got ready to go back to sleep.

Charlotte didn't have a surprise awaiting her she had a wonderful gift. Thomas was lying there so peacefully next to her.

Spoiler Alert: They did not sleep together.

The only person who hadn't woken up to a surprise was Shawn. Shawn woke up lying on a bed of white claws and solo cups.

"What the hell?" Shawn says as he takes a look around and sees what he's been laying on all night.

Just like everyone else he had an extreme hangover, so he went to his bed and went back to sleep.

After everyone had gotten their beauty sleep it was 5 pm.

The first one to wake up was Hannah. Hannah woke up after taking a couple-hour nap on the couch. She saw that Mason was still sleeping so she decided to wake him up.

"Wake up, Mason." Hannah says while pushing his arm to wake him up.

"What time is it?" Mason groans.

"4:47." Hannah replies after looking at the clock.

"Damn, I didn't realize it was that late." Mason said.

"Yeah well, when you go to bed at six in the morning." Hannah says sorta awkwardly. She still doesn't know if he knows about last night and she doesn't want to be the one to bring it up.

She figures he doesn't know anything about it anyway because if he did he would be bringing it up.

"Last night was crazy. Wasn't it?" Mason asks.

"Yeah, it was. Do you remember anything?" Hannah replies hoping to get an answer.

"No, all I remember is a lot of booze." Mason replies with a chuckle.

"Yeah." Hannah replies with an awkward laugh.

Hannah observes Mason and sees hickeys all over his neck. She then looks down at her own neck to see she has a bunch of hickeys too.

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