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The frigid air hits first, followed by the gradual darkness as I plunge deeper into the cave. I immediately halt. Footsteps thump behind me, the rhythm to my heart. Casimir breathes heavily as he slows behind.

"Frey?" he whispers, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm here."

A few seconds later, his shoulder nudges mine. "Don't run off like that," he scolds.

"I know. I'm sorry."

I gaze around the darkness, trying to make anything out. But it's completely dark. Casimir takes hold of my hand. "Reach out. Can you feel the wall of the cave? I have it on my side."

Tentatively, I stretch my fingers out sideways, flinching when they brush the icy cold stone. "I feel it."

"Let's keep moving," he advises, entwining his fingers with mine.

We shuffle deeper into the cavern, our sense of sight completely robbed. My heart pounds in my chest. We have no idea how deep the cavern funnels into the mountain, no idea of what we will find at the end.

The hyacerite is simply a rock that holds Nala, my mother's, gifts. I can't shove away the doubts seeping into my mind as my fingers brush the rough rocky wall. How do we know what to look for? My instinct, to call out for Killian, Juem or Lei, is a mission to repress. But Casimir's right.

We had no idea the Torinnian rebels were here. It would be foolish to assume that the only possible option for the footprints and dagger are our allies.

I clench my teeth to keep them from chattering as the cave curves, heading to the right. Casimir stumbles forward, gripping my arm tighter.

"Okay?" I whisper.

It takes several seconds for him to respond. "Okay."

Our footsteps echo no matter how softly we step, the sound reverberating through the cavern. Every moment over the last week has been building to this cave and whatever we find at the end. I shove the voice in my mind that asks a depressing question: what if we find nothing?

As the cave curves further around, something glimmers around a distance corner, piercing the oppressive darkness. A spark ignites in my chest--a mixture of fear and hope. My heart quickens. Beside me, Casimir has noticed it too, halting to a complete stop.

We both stare at the glow crawling towards us. A distant light. It flickers against the cave floor, highlighting the uneven surface and terraced roof.

"Fire?" I whisper to Casimir, doubt creeping in.

He drops my hand. "Get your dagger," he says, "be ready."

I grasp my weapon, pulling it from its sheath and gripping tightly as we continue forward. The light grows, warm orange singeing the stone. As we round the final bend, the cave widens from a narrow passage to an open space. The cave halts.

In its centre, resting upon a flattened rock, rests a lantern. It exudes warmth and light that flickers against the cave's walls, revealing its dead end. Casimir surveys the end, creeping forward to press his palm against the cave wall. When he turns back to face me, his brows are furrowed.

"Dead end."

I glance around the clearing. We're the only two here. I glance at the lantern. "How long can a lantern burn unattended?"

Casimir provides the answer I already knew. "Not long."

I glance around the cave, searching for some sort of sign. A rock out of the ordinary, a footprint, any sign of magic. I come up empty. I turn back to Casimir, shoulders slumping in defeat.

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