CH.1 The Ticket

653 24 4

"Hello" talking
'Hello' thinking
*Hello* call
/Hello text

Pov (Y/n)

???: /I secured you 2 VIP tickets for the k/da concert in next week.
/I had to pull a couple of strings
/But I was able to cut you a deal

(Y/n): /Thank you Mike if you need help with anything please don't hesitate to call me

Mike: /I'll keep that in mind
/Where do you want to meet for the tickets and to discuss

(Y/n): /Meet me at the park across from the studio
/I'm currently having breakfast near there

Mike: /Sure I'll be there in 10

(Y/n): /Ok

I put my phone back in my pocket and took a sip from my coffee. I hate it. I'll never understand how people like coffee. Nonetheless, I took it and left the Moonbucks.

I decided to walk to my destination this time because it was just two streets down. With such nice weather, a walk would do me well. That and I wasn't going to call a ride for just two streets.

While walking down the street I decided not to waste time and split my focus between walking and reading a book from my satchel.

Loading time skip . . .

Tip - While in combat no one can stop you from floating your opponent off the ground until the surrender

Near the park . . .
It was a relatively simple walk and the park was just within my sight. Then out of nowhere a woman abruptly came out of a shop and almost ran directly into me. Luckily, I was able to avoid hitting her by dodging slightly to the left just barely gracing her.

I turned to look at her.

(Y/n): "Mam please look where you are heading next time"

I then proceed to turn around and continue on my way. Not giving a second thought to the person or how mysteriously they were dressed. Another day I might have but right now I have business to attend to.

While walking away I sensed that the person hadn't moved and was still looking at me. But again, not a today thing so I just kept walking and entered the park.

Then I walked immediately out since I didn't say where to meet in the park, so the entrance is a good place to wait.

Once again, I could see the person that almost ran into me. Now they were standing a little way away seemingly waiting for a pickup. So, I took a moment to take a clear look at the person's face. You know, just in case it becomes relevant later on.

From what little I could see their looks were aesthetically pleasing to stare at. Blond hair and a pair of blue eyes. Somewhere in between turquoise and aqua blue.

Let's not forget the pair of ears that sit on her head.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see my acquaintance, Mike

Loading time skip . . .

Tip - When someone uses a charm or illusion to escape you can pretend to be under its effect if you do not feel like chasing them

Park gazebo . . .
(Y/n): "So let's discuss the deal you were able to broker "

Mike: "Straight to business as always I see"

(Y/n): "Mike you know this is how I operate when dealing with business. I have a busy schedule so please just speak"

Mike: "Fine"

Mike pulls out a small manila envelope from his pocket and sets it on the table

Mike: "There is their side of the deal. Two VIP tickets for the concert"

He then proceeded to take out a larger folder and handed it to me. I remove the content inside and begin to read it as he speaks.

Mike: " Now this is your side of the deal. Honestly, I thought they were pretty simple asks. So I took the liberty to agree on them for you"

Finishing reading the 3-page document everything seems cut and dry so I look up.

Mike: "After all, you told me to get the tickets by any means"

(Y/n): "I don't think those were my exact words But you were right to agree to the terms"

(Y/n): "After all they are simple"

Mike: "Yeah right. Only you would think they were simple"

(Y/n): "Of course after all it's just an equivalent exchange"

Mike: "A concert for a concert. Shocking"

He was right on that part. I didn't expect and don't think that kda were fans of classical music.

Mike: "So are you going to need help arranging kda's private concert or-"

(Y/n): "No, I'll discuss that with them after the concert to be able to fit it into both of our schedules. But thanks for asking"

Mike: "Ok then I'll be living first. Places to be people to see"

(Y/n): "ok when you need to call in that favor just call me"

With that, he left and I sat there looking at the envelopes. I took a quick look at the tickets and compared them to the ones I had seen online. They were identical so I placed them in my bag.

I did the same with the other document. That's one problem solved for now.

I take a sip from my now-cold coffee.

(Y/n): 'I Guess it isn't that bad cold'

Loading time skip . . .

Tip - Anything can be used as a weapon as long as you put enough force behind it

Home . . .
Finally, back home. I took a taxi this time since I didn't bring anything large enough to float myself with.

I take off my shoes and put my coat on the coat rack. Walking to the couch and just face-planting into it.

Despite what I said earlier, obtaining the tickets was everything I had planned for the day.

I was actually using an advanced technique there called LYING.

So what to do?

Checking my schedule? Cooking dinner? Cleaning?

Let's start by just checking the schedule

Tomorrow, Saturday, I left the whole day empty to hang out with Seraphine for her birthday. And I coordinated with one of her friends to set the reservations for the restaurant. So that is ready.

With the tickets, I have the gift. Her friend was put in charge of whatever we were doing after dinner.

But just in case they forget I booked some tickets to Knotts as a safety net.

Sunday Is usually my free day but since I'm not doing anything Saturday ill just use the time to go over some of the next week's work.

But for now, I'll just clean up a bit around the apartment. whip something up in the kitchen for dinner so I don't have to eat out. Might even call it an early night to wake up early.

All criticism is welcomed.

Thanks for reading!

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