chapter 23

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Cynthia kept a bored look on her face as she watched her mother speak to her grandma, who had came to check up on cynthia after hearing that she has been shot. she only listened as serenity told her grandma about how they had all been at the hospital, and how she still wanted to hangout around them.

cynthia fully expected her grandma to switch sides, and finally lecture her. as serenity and enya parted ways and enya made her way over to cynthia, cynthia let out a breath as she prepared herself for her grandmas life lesson speech that she was sure was coming.

"girl, why you look nervous?" enya laughed, making cynthias face get slightly red as she furrowed her eyebrows. "you're not gonna get me in trouble?"

enya chuckled, "uh, no.. do you want me to?"

cynthia laughed, shaking her head. "i thought you would change your mind about darrian or something."

enya shook her head, "if it wasn't his fault you got shot, im not mad at him."

cynthia's mouth fell open, her letting out a huge breath. "thank you!"

enya smiled, playfully rolling her eyes at the girls dramatic-ness. "you okay, though?"

cynthia was fine as long as she took her pain medication. she still limped a little as she walked, but other than that she was doing fine. she let her grandma know she was fine, before she saw her parents walk in the room.

cynthia turned to enya, her leg beginning to shake. enya eyed her suspiciously, knowing something was up with her. "cynthia?.." she spoke, making cynthia look back at her. she bit at her lip, "um—" she started, glancing at her parents.

"i wanna talk to them. i don't wanna fight with them anymore, but i still want to hangout with darrian and them." she explained, as her grandma nodded.

"so talk to them." enya shrugged, as cynthia shot her a look that said 'it isn't that easy.'

cynthia was more than nervous to speak to her parents as she had overthought the many ways it could go. most of all, she didn't want it to turn into an argument.

"i'll back you up." enya added, making cynthia instantly feel better.

cassandra walked in the room, plopping down next to enya and cynthia. "what's happening?" she asked, seeing the look on cynthia's face.

"i'm gonna talk to them." cynthia told her, moving her back so cassandra would know she was talking about her parents.

she saw cynthia's unsure look, and nodded. "i got ya back."

cynthia smiled at the two of them, before giving one last nod and standing up. she tapped her hands on her hips as she walked over to her parents, leaning on the kitchen counter and staring up at them.

as they turned to her, she felt like she almost chocked on her spit.

"uh.." cynthia started, scratching her neck. "i wanna talk to you guys."

the two adults raised their eyebrows, before serenity nodded. "talk."

cynthia's face dropped, her looking back to enya and cassandra who only watched. "right now?"

serenity shrugged, "you said you wanna talk, talk."

cynthia's heart beat sped up, before she slowly nodded and stood up. "okay." she breathed out.

as she opened her mouth to speak, she quickly stopped and looked at her mom. "please don't say anything until i finish.. and please don't argue with me." she asked nicely, feeling her heart fall to her ass as she was nearly shaking of fear.

enya watched with a smile, liking how cynthia was expressing her feelings more.

serenity's eyes squinted, but she slowly nodded.

"alright." cynthia tapped the counter, not knowing where to start.

"i don't want to fight with y'all anymore." she spoke, looking down as she didn't want to make eye contact.

"i want to hangout with darrian, ethan and david." she continued, making serenity roll her eyes.

cynthia finally looked up, making eye contact with her mom. "i don't like that you made me stay home, only focus on school.." she licked her lip, "i know school is important but that's all you were worried about. it was like it was the only thing that mattered to you. you didn't care if i lived my life at all, or not. you just wanted me to get a good education and be someone who i wasn't."

cynthia cleared her throat, feeling her chest get tight. "darrian and them aren't bad influences. you don't give them a chance."

cynthia's father bit back his smile, as serenity turned to see his reaction to what cynthia was saying.

although, enya had saw it, and her smile widened.

"when i'm around them i feel like i'm actually living, like i'm having fun for once." cynthia continued. "and i know you started thinking of them even worse after i got shot, but it was not their fault."

cynthia looked back up to serenity, who looked completely shocked. she looked baffled, and that alone made cynthia want to laugh in her face.

"i want them to come over, for dinner." cynthia spoke, that being the last thing she needed to say.

serenity's face scrunched, "no—"

"okay." cynthia's head whipped over to her father, who ignored how serenity's body completely turned to him, her looking at him in complete disbelief.

cynthia smiled at her father, before looking back to serenity who still shook her head. "no, cynthia."

"you have to let her live, serenity." enya spoke, making serenity's posture dropped as she had thought her mother would've been on her side this time.

"i will, just not around them." serenity shook her head, making cynthia scoff.

"they aren't bad people just because of their life style, serenity." cassandra spoke, joining cynthia's side.

serenity was finally out numbered. this time it wasn't cynthia.

serenity's lips parted as she thought of something else to say, and she looked down to cynthia who looked up at her with only hope. serenity felt her stomach twist, before her head dropped. "fine."

cynthia's smile returned as she turned to cassandra in disbelief, before cassandra cheered. "chest bump!"

as cassandra went to jump and bump into cynthia's chest, fully expecting her to do the same.. she was the only who jumped, still resulting in her hitting cynthia's chest, only knocking her back and making her groan.

cassandra watched cynthia grab her stomach, making her gasp. "oh shit, i forgot!"

"cassandra!" enya glared at her for cursing in front of her.

"fu— sorry, i'm sorry." cassandra apologized, before looking back down to cynthia who was chuckling.



right answers only:
what's ending soon?



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