Chapter Thirty Four

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Her panicked state reminds me a little of a chipmunk. If a chipmunk did hard drugs and didn't sleep for four weeks straight.

But I'm so glad to have her back in my arms.

"So . . . are you going to tell me anything? How long have you been here? Why are you here?"

I groan, running my hand down her face to try and quiet her. She won't stop talking and I just want to kiss her.

All I have done since she disappeared is talk and fight and try to figure out what the heck is going on—I literally went to the bottom of the ocean to find her—and now that she's here, none of the rest matters.

"We're going to steal." That's the plan.

"We, who? Steal what?" she asks.

"You and I, tomorrow, are going to steal that stupid wishing stone or whatever it is, and we're going to get out of here."

That's all I came here for; Alara and the stone.

I want to get Aya and Saad back. I want to make sure that they're safe and happy.

There's so many things I want. When I had lost sight of Alara, I had forgotten about all of it. All I could think about is finding her again.

But days have felt endless, and I've had more than enough time to think. I decided that I'll give the stone to my father. Whatever he wants, it's most likely to do with money and riches. He can wish for what he wants as long as I get those kids back.

"How?" she asks incredulously.

"It's kept somewhere hidden throughout the year, but during the competition, they bring it and keep it here"—I point to the Bayt buildings—"There are three buildings and they keep it in the technology building because it is the most secure there. It'll be in one of the rooms. So tomorrow before sunrise, we're going in and we'll take it."

"That's your plan? Go in and . . . take it?"

"Yeah . . ."

She sighs and steps forward. I reach out to touch her, slightly surprised that she is really here and standing in front of me after all this time. "Okay, I guess we've both got nothing to lose without our family."

But that's not true. I've got her to lose.

"So, we walk right in, take this stone and then what? We float up to the ocean surface, hand it over to the Hakeem and go our own ways?"

"Go our own ways? No, I—We can't see that far into the future, but I don't want to not have you in my life." I'm not sure about a lot of things—I mean, I think I saw a crab the size of two human heads a little while back—but her, I am sure about.

She nods and takes another step closer, her body inches from mine. I hold my arms open and she wraps her arms around me, her head pressing against my chest. "Okay, let's do this then. Do we even know how the inside of this technology building is laid out? I was in the for a little while but it is gigantic."

"Yeah, I met someone who is willing to help us."

She tilts her head to look up at me. Her big brown eyes seem to shine in the silver light here. "That is a useful piece of information that you didn't bother to mention."

I grin innocently. "I like to keep things interesting. Risky." I wink at her, leaning down to brush my nose against hers.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know."

"What?" She gives me a strange look and then laughs. "So this plan has absolutely no plan B or stability? What if we get caught?"

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