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"That's eggshell white. I specifically ordered for ivory white. Is that too much for you dumbheads?"

The annoying voice of Hailey Connor echoed in the lounge once again and I controlled myself from dumping my cup of coffee on her head.

"And these are tulips. I told you I want Irises. Get out from here and don't come back unless you have the flowers I want." She screamed at someone.

I was currently in the kitchen, spending time with Jason and drinking coffee when I saw Hailey enter. She then started throwing tantrums, finding faults in everything, all the while sipping on her mimosa. The kitchen was adjacent to the lounge so I could easily watch everything, no matter how much I tried to block the view.

It was Saturday today, which means tomorrow was their engagement ceremony that was going to be held here. An interior designer had taken over the lounge for the last two days, decorating everything according to Hailey's wishes. I haven't seen Sean participate in any of the arrangements or give his opinion. He had left everything in his fiance's hands, not that I cared what he did.

"Penny?" Jason called my name, pulling me out of my chain of thoughts.

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"I was asking you when all this is over, would you like to go to dinner with me?" He asked shyly.

"Um...." I didn't expect him to say something like that all of sudden so it caught me off guard. I tried to think of an appropriate response without sounding too rash. "Umm... I..."

"Sorry, you don't have to reply just yet." He said and I took a sigh.

I liked Jason but I didn't know if I liked him romantically. He was handsome, kind and a good friend to me so logically, I shouldn't have any problem becoming more than his friends. Then why were I hesitating?

"Well, that was awkward." I chuckled nervously.

"Doesn't have to be." He smiled at me. "Relax. I'll wait for your answer."

"Sure." I smiled. "It's just that, I don't know what the future holds for me so I can't made any commitment right now. But I'll think about it."

"I get it." He said.

Jason went back to making lunch while I hopped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen. On my way to the stairs, my eyes were towards the floor when I bumped against someone. Lifting my head, I found the man I had been avoiding for the last few days standing in front of me. He also lifted his eyes from his mobile and stared back at me.

"Blind much?" He said, narrowing his eyes.

"Annoying much?" I tried to pass but he blocked my path with his massive body.

"Why are you coming from the kitchen?" He asked, drawing his eyebrows closer.

"Why are you...." I took a brief pause. "Wait, that was the whole question actually. Why are you?"

"Stop being a smart ass. Have you forgotten that's it's my house?" He said, staring down at me.

"Then throw me out." I crossed my arms.

"Soon." He replied in an irked voice.

"Babe, you are here." A feminine voice interrupted. I found Hailey walking towards us swaying her hips and I prepared myself for her lame remarks aiming at me.

"Yeah." Sean said briefly.

"Do you like the preparations? Do you want to change something?" She asked him, linking her arm with his. She ignored me subtly, running her other hand along her diamond necklace.

The Mysterious Mr. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now