chapter 46

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It was the next day, and the whole family sorta fell into a silent routine.

All the guys would participate in a morning exercise, while the girls usually prepared breakfast (in which we ordered it out most of the time).

The most special part of my day was going out for a couple hours and spending time on the beach- with no electronics.

I completely disconnected from everything and it was so peaceful. Only the waves, sand and a book were present. That usually lasted until the crowd started to get heavy on the beach, and then I'd call it a day and head inside.

I was laying on the lounge chair with a bathing suit and sunglasses on, as well as a hard copy of Jane Austen in my hand. I often preferred classics as the literature was just unique.

I was flipping the page when all of a sudden, the sun was covered by a shadow. I looked up and found the culprit, or rather a person.

The cute guy from yesterday.

I'd be lying if I said he wasn't even finer today. He was clad in bathing trunks and a nice pair of aviators on his head.

"Hey Charlotte" his masculine voice called out.

Even his voice gave me butterflies.

"Hi Landon" I replied timidly.

"Some of my friends and I are going down to the pier tonight to hangout. There's an arcade, ice cream place, and a few other little shops. Wanna join us?" he asked me.

My gosh. My heart started to beat a million miles an hour.

"That's very kind, thank you for inviting me." I told him. "I will have to ask my dad to see if we have anything planned. If not, I'd be happy to join you guys!" I told him excitedly.

"Perfect. Here's my number, text me if you decide to come" he told me, flashing me a glimpse of his perfect white teeth.

He handed me a paper with his number.

"See ya around" he waved off and went back down the beach.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

I have to go. I immediately packed up my small tote bag with all of my things from the beach, and practically ran back inside the house.

As I threw my bag on the counter, I saw my dad washing some dishes, looking at me with concern.

"Everything okay?" He asked me with a concerned look.

I nodded. "Yeah, no everything is fine. I was wondering if we had any plans for tonight?" I asked him sheepishly.

"Not that I know of. I think grandpa and grandma might go to dinner, but other than that it's a chill evening for us." He told me, wiping down the counter.

"Is it okay if I go out with a friend tonight?" My nervous tone must've gave it away.

He stopped everything he was doing and looked up immediately. "And whose this friend?" He asked me as he crossed his arms and looked at me with a calm, but concerned expression.

"His name is Landon. We met at the beach." I told him honestly.

"A BOY?!" He said; his eyes about to pop out of his head.

"Uhhh- yeah." I told him, still kinda nervous.

"Sweetheart, how do you know he's a good guy? I mean guys your age are assholes. I know because once upon a time- I was one." He told me, trying to contain his emotions.

"Dad I promise it's going to be okay. He seems like a nice guy. I mean, if anything goes wrong I'm sure you'll take care of him." I told him confidently.

He sighed and dropped his head. "Ok fine, you can go. Just please be safe and call me if anything happens." he told me seriously.

I smiled widely and wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you dad!"

Was I nervous? Yes.

But did you really think I was gonna let her go alone with some douchebag she's never met?

Silly goose.

Suddenly I have reservations at the restaurant on
the pier.

I won't ever let anything happen to her or put her in danger.


A/N: hello everyone :) hope you're enjoying so far!

I want to apologize for the lack of updates recently! I've been working on book 2 and I'm super excited to share it with you! :)

For now, there may be around 2-3 updates (give or take) a week.

Thank you for showing your support and please don't hesitate to leave a vote or comment :)

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