Chapter 4: Hayden

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"The ability to speak does not make you intelligent." -The Phantom Menace

     This time, I made sure to set an alarm so I could be on time. I couldn't think of anything that would annoy Cassie more than if I got to class before she did. It was petty, but I couldn't get over the other night. She tripped me. She fucking tripped me.

     The whole thing had been so weird. She was like some sort of witch, tricking me into thinking she was just some hot girl in need of help when I saw Newman talking to her, then I turn around and it wasn't some hot girl. It was her. She'd looked completely different, but when I saw her face also the same in some way. If she wasn't such an awful person, I would've started flirting with her after Newman left for sure.

     I walked into class fifteen minutes before class started, and grinned when she wasn't there yet. That'd show her, I thought as I sat down and pulled out my phone. The downside I hadn't thought of was being early for class meant I had to just sit here for the next fifteen minutes, or at least until Cassie got here, inevitably sighed, and then made some horrible comment. I was looking forward to it. Not because I wanted to see her, but because I wanted to see her reaction. That was all.

     Ten minutes later, she strolled into class. Only five minutes early. Amateur. There were already a good number of people here. Clearly, she wasn't as big of a try-hard as she wanted to be. She sat down next to me in her seat from last class and didn't say a word. I wasn't going to let her get away the easily.

     "Hey sweetheart, glad you could make it, I was getting worried you'd be late."

     She closed her eyes for a split second and took a deep breath before turning to glare at me, "For the last time, it's Cassie. And don't worry I'd never be late to class, looks like someone can't say the same."

     I curled my hand into a fist under the table. Annoyed, but trying to contain it I grumble, "I got here today before you did."

     "So what, you want a pat on the back and a cookie or something," she asks smirking viscously in response.

      Before I can get another word in, the professor whose name I still can't remember for the life of me starts class, "Welcome to class number two! Glad everyone showed up again. I went through the lists everyone submitted for the project, and they were all so similar that I decided to go ahead and assign things randomly. The list should be live on Canvas now, let me know after class if there are any questions. Now, onto today's topic..."

     The last bit caught my attention, I wanted something easy, or at least enjoyable to watch. If I ended up stuck watching foreign films or documentaries for the quarter I'd lose it. Working with Cassie was bad enough, I at least needed to get to watch movies that'd actually interest me.

     I hear her sigh next to me as she presumably is looking at which genre we got assigned, I hope that she's sighing because we got assigned action or comedy. She. She seems like the kind of psychopath to only watch educational or boring films. I bet she couldn't even name an action movie.

     "What genre did we get," I whisper to her while what's-his-name is trying to play a YouTube video embedded in his slides.

     She gives me a look like she's somehow scandalized that I would try to talk to her during class, "Later."

     "No, just tell me now," I whisper a little louder, getting looks of curiosity from the people around us.

     "Okay, but we still need to talk about it after class."

     "Whatever sweetheart just tell me."

    She gives me that look, and I curse myself for once again calling her sweetheart. If she doesn't tell me now because of that I'm going to be so pissed off.

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