32. The meeting

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I took the bus and went to Pedri's home after he sent me his address, he wanted to pick me up but I would rather much go see what his real place looked like after learning that flat I went to last time isn't where he lives.

After passing through other luxury appartments I knocked on a door, which is supposed to be Pedri's, and a woman oppened the door with the nastiest look I ever received.

"Hello..?" I greet, wondering if I got the wrong place. The woman looked at me from head to toe, her eyes staring at my beige cargos, plain white tshirt and white converse, then she rolled her eyes so hard her eyeballs turned white, as if I was the biggest bother of her life. She went back inside and sat on a giant couch and put her show back on.

"Pedri is still in the bathroom, he is shaving his beard." She says out loud. After receiving this information and understanding this woman is that girl he lives with, I get inside the house and close the door. I'm starting to wonder if I should get my shoes off, but decide not to do it since I won't stay here for long anyway.

"I heard a lot abt you, did you hear a lot about me ?" She asks again. I guess she wants to know me better.

"...yes ?" I answer. I know her because papparazzis were interested in her, but Pedri never talked about her, and when I talked about her, his eyes shouted 'why are bringing her up when we are together ?', but she looks so annoyed about Pedri running after me, I don't feel like fighting her... for now.

"My name's-"

"-I know your name." She cuts me off with a grunt.

Damn, woman, will you not even try to act like you don't hate me ?

"You must know my name, too." She says coldly, her eyes questioning and judging everything about me, even the way I breath.

...damn it. What was her name ?

"You... you don't know my name ?" She asks, flustreted, a mixture of anger and shock.

I genuinely forgot, lord. It was with a C, I think, uhm... crap, Charlene ? No, too old. I want to say Coco but it's not it. Crap, I can't think of anything else than Coco.

"Co..." I start off, looking at her to know if I'm on a good start.

"Colly !" She exclaims, staring at me like I'm some dumb bitch who should have known better than forget her highness's stupid, doggy like name.

"Colly ! Yes ! I'm sorry, Pedri only told me your name once, after I asked him who you were, I thought I was good with names, but I was wrong." I say in a fake joyful tone, trying to annoy the woman who acted like a bitch with me the moment she saw me. Pedri never talked about you, I had to ask him about you for him to even utter your name. Does she get it ?

She gives that bitch look face the annoying girls in highschool give you and I'm starting to lose all my respect for Pedri for being friends with this girl. Seriously, Pedri, this girl ? This is your high school friend ? Were you an asshole 5 years ago or something ? Were you the captain of the football team who made out with the rich and popular girls all the time guy ?

"Do you know how hard it is to find a football player who isn't twice my age ?" She lets out with an exhausted sigh, so I didn't imagine it, she did saw me as a bother for her 'wife of a football player' plans.

"Pedri is the only one I'm close to ! And he is my type the most. We were going to be the next 'Messi and his wife' couple !" She says with a dreamy voice.

She doesn’t even know her name. Shouldn't you know the name of someone you want to be ?

"Pedri told me to not worry about you, that you made out deeply with Gavi last year and you have a thing for Gavi." I say with a smile.

"To make him jealous ! I stared at him the whole time ! How could he not get it ? How can a guy not get it ?" She grunts loudly with her face between her hands.

"When I did it he got it." I say playfully and she lifts her head up. "He must get it only when the woman he likes does it." I add to her jealousy and greed. "Of course, I didn't kiss anyone. Who would be stupid enough to kiss someone in front of a guy they like ?" Her face turns red and she would have torn me apart if Pedri hadn't came in the room at the same time.

"You're here." He lets out with surprise and happiness. I was on time, though. Pedris looks at both of us and scratches the back of his neck while doing the presentings. "This is Colly, a friend I help out by letting her stay here, and Colly, this is the girl I told you about." Pedri says with a smile on his face.

"Let's go ?" I propose with a shy but excited voice. His face beams, and he quickly puts his shoes and jacket on before saying bye to Colly and dragging me by a firm hold on my waist.

"You look beautiful." He compliments me.

"Thank you" I say back. "You look handsome too." I am glad my cheeks never show how hot I feel when he compliments me.

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