9.(CH) promises in jeopardy

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Cedric looked at Harry, not understanding what he was referring to.

"On your nomination," he clarified, his cheeks flushing red. "You're a good prefect. Who even visits injured students."

With his head down, Harry smiled.

Fidgeting in his place, Cedric felt uneasy.

"I really shouldn't be here," he commented, knowing that his presence was not part of the protocol. And even though he wouldn't get in trouble, he didn't like the idea of Harry thinking he was there because he had to. "I didn't come as a prefect. I wanted to make sure you were okay and tell you what an amazing match that was."

Harry looked at him with interest. "Were you supporting me?"

"Yes, you," he stated, hoping his words made sense as his face burned for the second time today, "and Ravenclaw. I have a friend on the team. Cho, the seeker." In a way, he was reminded of that afternoon they'd spent together, when Harry asked him who he supported when it was Gryffindor against Ravenclaw. And how could he forget the moment when Harry found out they both played in the same position. Cedric was nervous about expressing his sporting resolve and perhaps he shouldn't have added, "You must have met her."

Because that might have sounded like some kind of unfunny joke.

"I remember her," Harry replied with a slight frown, and a corner of his mouth turned up. "So you're a guy of two teams. How does that work out for you?"

That wasn't the reaction Cedric was expecting, even if he hadn't anticipated any. A loud voice behind him covered up his lack of answer. Running toward them, Oliver was practically yelling Harry's name. He stopped short and for a second he looked puzzled to see Cedric, but then he focused on the boy sitting on the hospital bed.

"Imagine my surprise when we arrived at the Gryffindor common room to celebrate such a wonderful victory and my star seeker is nowhere to be found," he began to say, barely pausing for air. "I leave the party to find him and what I hear is that he's in the hospital wing. What happened, Harry? You look fine."

"I am. I'm good -"

"And you've played very well, although I almost thought we'd lose you against Cho. I must tell you that even though you didn't listen to me when I told you not to be a gentleman, you have won without tricks. You didn't lose sight of the game because of a girl. That's what will make you a great captain someday. Merlin knows I tried with the Weasleys."

Oliver seemed to have run out of words to say about the match and was now just looking at Harry, who seemed to be a bit embarrassed. Perhaps it was due to the scolding tone or the compliments, Cedric wasn't sure. He wondered if by "losing because of a girl" he meant Harry fancied Cho, a statement that would justify his flushed expression quite accurately.

Cho was very pretty. What would she think if she knew Harry Potter had feelings for her? Perhaps he could introduce them.

"We should celebrate. They're waiting for us, but Gryffindors aren't very patient, you know."

Harry stood up and took a single step. "Go ahead, I'll catch up with you in a minute."

"Alright. Don't be late," the captain answered, in a way that barely managed to hide his disagreement. Before leaving the room, he glanced at Cedric with a small, friendly nod that made him smile. "Nice to see you, Diggory."


Harry was standing so close to his side that Cedric felt the sudden silence in the empty room. Aware of Harry's shoulder against his arm, he watched him look up to meet his eyes. Even when he was a head taller than him, that closeness almost made him take a step back.

The Boy In My Dreams -HEDRIC (1)Where stories live. Discover now