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"we're done with your hair, come sit here"

Channie hyung told me as he grabbed a blowdryer. he blowdried my hair while i played with a rubber ducky.

"can we play after we finish?"

i asked. i've been wanting to play with Channie hyung lately. i've only been playing with Seungie hyung, Minnie hyung, Bokkie hyung, and Innie hyung.

for some reason i've been in the dorm they're in most of the time. maybe because everyone in the other doek is busy.

"yesyes we can play y/nnie. i think you might want to play after i show you the surprise"

Channie hyung laughed as he turned the blowdryer off. he wrapped up the cords and put it back in the cabinet.

it occurred to me that i've been with hyungs for a long time. i've known them for months already and i haven't heard from mommy.

i guess it was to be expected though. mommy never really cared about me that much.

i decided to ask Channie hyung to get my answers. he adopted me, so i think i already know the answer.

"hyung, did mommy leave me outside to be taken away by someone else?"

i asked. mommy was never the nicest or best, but i didn't think she would just leave. i did have a tiny bit hope she would come back, even if i didn't want to go with her.

Channie hyung hesitated before coming back to where i was sitting.

"come with me. let me show you your surprise first before we talk about your mom"

he said while lifting me up and covering my eyes. we walked to where the surprise was.

"this is what we all wanted to surprise you with"

Channie hyung uncovered my eyes and i looked around.

everyone was sitting on a bed in a room surrounded by my favorite things and colors.


Channie hyung let me down and i just kept looking around. i felt tears fill my eyes. i've never gotten a room so big let alone so nice.

"thank you.. so much"

i said while wiping my eyes before tears started falling. i gave Channie hyung a hug.

"y/nnie we kinda heard you asking about your mom in the bathroom, and we have answers to all your questions"

Minnie hyung spoke up. he was squished on the bed with everyone else.

i nodded and went to go sit on a little swingy chair that was in front of the bed.

"y/n.. when we found you that day we didn't know that we would be taking you in. however, we knew we couldn't just leave you there"

Channie hyung started.

"your mom never had the intention of coming back, so we decided to take you in. to answer your question, no. your mom isn't coming back. if it's ok with you, would you be fine living with us as your family?"

Bokkie hyung asked. i hesitated before answering.

"please listen before you say anything else"

i said. everyone kept quiet and watched me.

"somewhere inside i knew my mom was never coming back. she never really cared about me as much as she did my sister. i was nothing to her.

so, while it is a little sad to know that she left me for good, i would be happy having everyone here as my family"

i finished while everyone started coming towards me. they picked me up and everyone hugged me.

"aw y/nnie you'll be our precious little sister forever!"

Binnie hyung said.

"y/n, do you know why we prepared this room for you?"

Jinnie hyung asked. i shook my head and for some reason everyone looked shocked.

"y/nnie.. it's your birthday today"

Innie hyung said. is it?

"what does that mean 😇"

i asked.

"birthdays are supposed to be celebrated because it signals the day you entered this world and came into our lives"

Minnie hyung explained.

"i see. i didn't know today was my birthday. i never celebrated it"

i said. they nodded.

"well, today is your birthday. Channie hyung showed us your birth certificate, so we're celebrating today"

Hannie hyung said.

"we cleared out the storage room and made it your room here. we're gonna work on the other apartment soon so you can stay in either one"

Channie hyung explained.

"come to the kitchen y/nnie, we have a cake"

Innie hyung said as he held my hand and walked outside with me. there was a cake with 6 candles on it.

everyone sang happy birthday to me. i started tearing up again.

"thank you all so much"

i cried and everyone came to hug me. i've never felt as much love as i do now.

"we love you so much y/n"

everyone said.

"i love you!"

i replied.

this is when i knew that i found my real family. a family that i love and loves me. my forever.

Spread My Wings| Stray Kids x F!ChildReaderWhere stories live. Discover now