Chapter 19

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The shooting location was a resort with white hot sand, lounge chairs, umbrellas stretched out across the beach and crystal clear blue water filled with wild life. A large hotel was tucked among palm trees and thick jungle loomed over the sand, showcasing the perfect view of the ocean. Beautiful people lounged, snorkeled, and surfed— a picture perfect postcard of Hawaii.

One thing became quickly clear as I pulled my beat up purple suitcase up the path towards the hotel, I very much like my suitcase, were not good enough to be here. I was a pair of five dollar flip flops in a world of fancy bedazzled sandals. A paper towel in a world of silk napkins. A fast food meal in a world of overpriced restaurant items. 

Luke Walker didn't help dispel the image with his five hundred dollar jet black suitcase that still had all four wheels, his name brand aviator sunglasses hanging loosely along the front of his shirt, and an overall look of irritation as several sun bathers gawked at him as he walked up the path, attempting to go unnoticed. 

But everything about him screamed to be noticed. His fluid gate, the tattoos inked across his body, carved across every curve of his arms and neck. His jet black hair, glistening midnight blue in the sun, a tapestry of richly dangerous beauty. Meanwhile, I was rocking a pair of bright pink dollar sunglasses from the thrift store, shuffling along in my beat up unicorn doc martins and couldn't seem to stop staring at everything around me like the clear outsider that I was. 

"This place seems like a bit much," I breathed, trying to wrap my head around the lavish swim up pool bar we passed on our way up to the front entrance. "My character works at a dive bar on the beach... not" I gestured with a flail of my arms up to the glistening hotel, at a loss for words. "...this."

Luke glanced up at the hotel, seeming to take it in for the first time. "One of the perks of the job. People love to shoot in pretty places so they can stay in pretty places." 

I laughed at how unfazed he was by the beauty of the place. Maybe beautiful people had an immunity to beautiful things. "You must have stayed at a lot of pretty places if this glammed up hotel doesn't grab your attention."

We walked into the lobby and I let out a gasp before I could stop myself. "Holy crab cakes! This place is fancy!" My voice echoed across the lobby and bounced back, almost deafening in the peaceful marble courtyard. 

Several heads, standing at a check in counter with a waterfall wall behind it, turned to take in the new, loud visitor. I blushed and snapped my mouth shut. 

At least pretend that you know how to act in fancy places, Em.

A hotel clerk dressed in a casual cream top and brown slacks made a beeline for Luke and me, ushering us past the line of people waiting at the front counter. "Ms Springs. Mr. Walker. Welcome. Please come this way. Your rooms are ready. And the crew is waiting." 

She fell into a spiel, walking us through the hotel amenities, a list that was long and jaw dropping before she snapped her fingers and our bags were suddenly taken from our hands, escorted off to their final destinations by unspoken staff. She ushered us down a side hall towards a more secluded, quiet section of the beach. 

There were no beach chairs, beautiful people lounging, snorkeling, or surfing. It was untouched. Or in the case of the studios wishes, was cleared of unwanted spectators. It made me want to peel off my clothes, pull on a bathing suit and sink deep into the clear warm water. I itched to dive deep, seek out the animals that clung to the depths of the ocean and get lost in their world for a while. Escape the world for a while. To become a mermaid and take on a new identity. 

I spotted several crew members setting up cameras and tents, prepping for the days shoot and the illusion of an untouched beach fizzled away. I shook my head, bringing myself back to the job. 

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