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"You need to go apologize" Azzi says shoving her friends shoulder. "Don't you think i know that" Paige says slightly pushing the girl back. Paige probably would've continued to argue with Azzi over who was right or wrong but ultimately gave up. She knew she was wrong, It was one thing to ignore Y/n but ignoring her own teammate was a step too far. Paige had lost all reasoning over the past week and a half all because you didn't text her back.

"When i see her first thing im doing is apologizing" Paige says making Azzi laugh. She knew she was lying straight through her teeth. "You literally saw both Brady's and Tatum 3 times already" The brown haired girl states making Paige roll her eyes. "Okay but that wasn't the right time, im ready now" she says fooling absolutely no one.

Paige and Azzi make their way around campus to café not expecting anyone to be there at this time. Just her luck she walked in to see you sitting right by the wall, along with Tatum and Ice of course but they were the least of her problems. She didn't want to talk to you right now. Paige tries to swiftly turn on her heels and walk back outside before azzi puts her arm in the way blocking her from leaving. "Stop being a big baby and let's go" she she says making Paige whine.

Your Perspective

"Hey everyone" Paige says waving a little. Your eyes widened at the sight of her standing there, hell if you weren't completely pissed at the blonde haired girl you mightve started foaming at the mouth. Paige was wearing a simple black Nike Tech tracksuit but the way she looked in it made you forget why you didn't want to speak to her in the first place.

"Hey" you squeak, causing Tatum to laugh. You and Ice both kick her underneath the table for her laughter. "Hey P hey Azzi" Ice says. Azzi and paige both pull up chairs, Azzi purposely sat between ice and Paige leaving the only other available space next to you. "Hey y/n" paige says making your heart race. You looked at her like a deer in headlights. "Can we get some privacy" Paige looks around the table to see Ice. Azzi and Tatum staring intensely at the two.

"Yeah yeah sure whatever" Tatum says getting up. The three girls move to sit at another table just out of earshot.

"Look Y/n, Im sorry i ignored you it really was stupid on my part" Paige says. You wanted to speak but the words were getting caught in your throat. "I'm not gonna say it's okay because it's not, but i do see why you were upset" You finally managed to get out. "You should let me make it up to you" Paige offers. "Sure" you shrug smiling. You were just happy she was speaking to you again. You didn't even care about the reason she stopped in the first place.

"I'm assuming you already apologized to my sister" You say making Paige nod. "Yeah i had no choice, she's my teammate" Paige laughs slightly.
Herslvtspeaks 😘

oh em gee hiya guys this one's short i promise i'm doing my best ‼️ im not sick anymore so ima be on my game now anyway enjoy

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