A Messy Kid

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Absolute chaos. The best way to describe the environment of the Playatoriam. A large building consisting of games and food, but it's biggest appeal was the large play structure maze with swings, slides, rope bridges, play mats, ball pit, spinning cylinders etc. Kids of all ages would get dropped off by their parents and let loose to play.

Poor Camron was left to make sure everything was clean to the standard (which wasn't very high) and to make sure everyone was happy. The 17 year old guys was busy leaning against the wall on his phone. He didn't care much for this job, the screaming of the children was annoying upon the other things he had to deal with. At least his uniform just consisted of black sweats and work t shirt.

Just as the teen was scrolling on social media his boss called at him from his office.

"Cam! Get off your phone and get over here!" He barked

Cam sighed and made his way over. Damn it he was probably gonna be asked to clean the toilets, and he just new it was gonna be a mess, kids have no aim.

As Cam walked into the office he was greeted with his boss behind his desk. The 40 year old was in his normal golf shirt and jeans, his office casual, his beard freshly groomed.

"What's up Rob?" Cam asked reluctantly
"Unfortunately we've got a code brown" his boss informed him
"Ugh seriously" Cam hated code browns
"Yeah there's a tot in the mat room towards the top of the playground. He's 2 years old and has a full diaper that's stinking up the place. I can't find his parents but I'd like to get him out of there, it's close to closing and I don't want him leaking, at least there aren't many kids at this time. So I need you to go up and retrieve the little rugrat"
"Ugh but it's all the way through the playground" Cam whined
"I know, but I can only fit through the farthest entrance, you can squeeze through the smaller one closer to it and get their faster, I would've done it myself"
"Ugh fine... I'll do it" Cam sighed
"Thanks kid, really appreciate it" Rob said
"Keep your walkie-talkie on you so you can let me know if you need help"
"Got it" Cam said as he walked out of the office

Damn babies he thought. Making his life harder. Now he's got to go through this stupid playground to find the toddler. Ugh and it's gonna stink too. For once Cam wished that if there was gonna be a mess he could be the one making it instead of having to be responsible and clean it. He hated growing up.

Cam walked around to the one side where he found the large spinning cylinder pillars. After taking his shoes and socks off (so no kids slip on the mats play place rules) he prepared to go in. Luckily, he was pretty slim and squeezed his way through the rows of pillars before making his way into the small colourful room with a soft mat on the floor.

The teen looked down to see a square cut out in the wall leading to the next little room. As he bent down his pants fell slightly off his hips which was odd as they fit him perfectly earlier. Regardless he pulled them up. Except he was missing the walkie-talkie which must have fallen off him in the pillars. Oh well he though, I'll be fine without it.

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