Cam's Messy Pants

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Cam crawled through the square and into the other room. This room had mats as platforms across from one another allowing him to climb upward. Cam placed his hands on the first mat and hopped up with ease, followed by the second, then third, then fourth. As he progressed he found it becoming increasingly difficult to reach for the next mat, they seemed to be getting taller and taller with every one he made it to. To make matters worse his pants seemed to be swarming him, threatening to fall off at any moment. But it was ok, he only had one more mat to jump up on then he was at the top of the tower. Cam took one last big jump getting his hands on the block, he proceeded to kick with his legs trying to get the rest of his smaller body on top of the mat. In doing so his pants slid down his legs and off of his feet. Finally this gave him the strength to climb onto the final mat.

"Yay I did it!" Cam yelled in a prepubescent voice

That was weird, why did he sound like that. Speaking of which, Cam looked down to see his underwear, which showed his favourite Pokémon Lucario, and his shirt that had transformers on it, both fitting him perfectly. Wait he didn't put those on today. But then Cam remembered, his Mommy picked out his clothes today. No 7 year old is good at choosing their clothes.

What was he doing again? Oh yeah he was finding the little baby to help him as any superhero would do.

Cam turned to see the next place he had to go. There was a bright red slide tube in front of him. He loved slides! The little boy quickly jumped in sliding down and screaming all the way.

He came out of the slide giggling. That was fun! His butt wiggled as a slight crinkle filled the air. Wait, a crinkle? Cam looked down to see his shirt had his favourite Paw Patrol character Chase on it, and around his waist was... a pull up? Oh right! Daddy had said that if he stayed dry for a week he'd get to try big kid undies!

Just then Cam saw the giant ball pit in front of him, it smelled like pee pee. Probably from little babies that weren't potty trained having accidents. But Cam was a big boy so he would be fine. The toddler quickly jumped into the ball pit, swimming around and throwing balls everywhere. As he was enjoying his fun his pull up front grew warm, he was peeing himself. That was ok, it was only his first week potty training anyway and he always liked the warm feeling. Cam played some more, even losing his shirt in the ball pit, until he remembered his mission.

"I hafta fwind da wittle bwaby" he said as he waddled out of the ball pit, his pull up squishing as he walked, his chubby belling rolling over it

In front of him was a tube leading to the final room. Cam bent down and began crawling through the small tube, his butt crinkling as he continued, he was almost there. Finally as he made it out he entered a room with comfy mats on the ground and windows peering out at the rest of the building. At the end of the room was a baby boy in a full diaper that made the room smell of like a dirty nursery. But that was ok, Cam was still in diapers too, he'd even wet his which made it yellow. Wait, that wasn't right, he wasn't supposed to be in diapers, he was 17, he doesn't pee himself, he works here. But then he realized, he was rid of cleaning this tykes mess and could actually make his own!


Cams infantile body began to do what it does best. The tykes butt raised as he went into a squat, as grunts left his mouth. He began to push. Load after load fell into his diaper. Every mature thought, every adult memory he had being pushed into his diaper as a mushy lump of baby poop. Finally once his rear was as full as the other tots, did Cam stop. The little toddler crawled his way over to the other baby, his diaper squishing along the way.

"Pway?" He babbled
"Ya" the little baby said

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