new neighborhood

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Kristen-"oh yn why would u pick that up by yourself-"

She reached to help her with the box

Y-*groans no I got big muscles

They laughed yn struggled going into the house then came out with her hands on her hips breathing hard they laughed


Kristen-"language amor"

Y-"sorry mom"

She came back to the car

Lola-"why did we think to do this in one trip"

Kristen-"great question"

Y-"so we can have a girls night while kiaj is gone"

They cheered and danced then laughed their van pulled up

Kirsten-"theres your uncle"

Y-"whats wrong with him"

Kirsten-"he irritates me"

He got up

John-"wassup family"

Y-"hey uncle jay"

Lola-"sup uncle paul"

They hugged him

John-"why do u call me paul"

Lola-"u look more like a paul then a John"

Kristen-"I get that and with the beard"

Y-"your nefew said u got a beard cuz u eat ass"

They bussed out laughing John shook his head and opened the back of the van

Y-"I bet I can carry that by myself"

She put her hands on her hips they looked at her

Y-"im serious I could carry a dresser"

John-"yeah to the curb"

They laughed John slid it halfway out one of the neighbors came out

??-"the neighbors moving in"

Ma-"help them honey!!"

??-"yall need help"


Kristen covered her mouth

Kristen-"that would be very nice of u"

He came all the way out shirtless in gray sweatpants yns eyes widened and she turned to Lola Lola bussed out laughing

Y-"mm dassa snack-"

Kristen popped her she turned around seeing he was behind her with a small smile

Y-"thats embarrassing"


Yn hit her

Lola-"im sorry"

Yn moved out the way John grabbed one end he grabbed the other and they marched the couch into the house and came back out

??-"I've never been in there before its nice"

Kristen-"thank u honey"

??-"I don't mind helping if yall need it"

His mom came out


Yn hit her


She put her head down

John-"what is with u and peoples moms"

Lola-"im not ashamed to admit I got mommy issues"

my random Ideas pt 3Where stories live. Discover now