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Jennie is not the type of person who dwells.

People, memories, objects, or desires...these were not things that required her consistent compassion or attention. They were mere moments in time, and more often than not, they presented to her no consequence. So whenever she did find herself dwelling on anything, or anyone, she treasured whatever it was faithfully. She pursued them loyally, with no regrets, and gave every part of herself to keep them close. In a life such as the one she has led, to do anything less would be inconceivable. And as such, for those she did choose to keep close, the memories she fought to savor and enjoy, for every little thing she owned and dwelled on, she did so with a fervent fever. A passion and love that no one would ever have known.

She should have expected that this would be her reaction, when she came to learn Taehyung would be attending. All these feelings that collect deep within her gut, turning her face hot, and her nerves skyrocketing, should be no surprise to Jennie by now.

Her heart racing when Jisoo first mentioned his name, her senses heightening and neck craning around each and every corner just to make sure he was not waiting for her there, the cold and clammy sweat lingering on her palms as she wrings them in and out in her anticipation.

She was a mess, a fool still hanging on to the boy who left her behind, just like all those years ago, and she hates herself for it. She should have known that without any real closure, she would stay stagnant where he had left her. That even though their fairy tale had ended long before she was ready, she would still be clinging to their dream.

Or perhaps, a dream she had created all on her own.

So when she spies him for the first time, pacing anxiously in front of his dressing room door, long before her members even begin to notice; she should not be surprised at the butterflies in her stomach. The leap in her throat, and the blush that starts to heat her cheeks. She should not be surprised that even now she can read his emotions, that she knows he is overthinking a decision, that he left the dressing room to get the air he needed to think, and that the staff member who pesters him to return inside might as well not exist for he is so deeply lost within his mind. She should not be shocked to learn that even while in their time apart from each other they have changed, there are still so many parts to him that have stayed the same.

Just as she has stayed the same.

Jennie is not one to dwell.

But he was always the one exception.

"Fancy meeting you here, Tae!"

At the familiar greeting, Taehyung looks up from his nervous wandering and can't help but smile at the sight of Jisoo waving at him a few feet away. Her eyes are bright and her grin reaches to her ears as she jogs the rest of the way into his waiting arms.

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