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Professor Jamal Lawson was a renowned African American English professor, who had been teaching at North Carolina A&T for the past three years. A new school year had started so it was back to business as usual at least he thought, but Jamal had a problem. A problem with curly black hair and hypnotic honey-brown eyes. A problem that was currently sitting in the back row of his lecture hall, sucking absent-mindedly on a cherry blow pop.

He thought the candy would be a nice gesture, one that would placate his students. After all Halloween, and he knew they'd be restless and ready for a night revealing costumes, cheap booze, and bad decisions. This way he figured they'd at least keep quiet through the lecture and everyone would make it out alive.
At this moment however, he wasn't sure he would make it out of his Shakespeare class alive. His eyes kept lifting back to her, the way her lips stretched around the lollipop, the dart of her tongue, and he was increasingly regretting the candy but simultaneously telling it as a stroke of genius in the back of his mind.

Her name was Monica, and had Jamal been a sentimental man, he'd have said that he was halfway in love with her she was beautiful with curves that should have been illegal, and smart as fuck she really loved Shakespeare and Jamal could always count on her for a bit. of banter.
As Jamal prided himself on not in fact being a sentimental Man, he at least admits that he would consider giving his right hand for the chance to fuck her. Which of course as her professor, he could never have a chance to do.

Tearing his gaze away from Monica and her candy-coated lips, but not before catching her shift the lollipop between her teeth.
Jamal cleared his throat and shuffled his note for today's lecture. He planned a discussion of Romeo and Juliet that he was rather proud of focusing on Juliet as the most complex character in the play and the reason Shakespeare might have made that decision.

Although he managed to keep himself from glancing at Monica for the majority of his lecture, as he opened up the floor for class discussion Jamal gaze landed as it often did on her.
He asked the class, "What are your thoughts on Juliet's character?"
She spoke right away, as if they alone were having this discussion rather than an entire classroom. Perhaps she knew he cared most what she had to say.

"I think one of the most interesting things about Juliet" she said licking her lips (which he noticed were now stained slightly red) "is the agony she expressed despite her societal confinement and the pressure she faces from her father from Paris and even from Romeo to some extent.
Jamal nodded, "And how do we see Juliet behave in a way that doesn't fit the expectations of society? How does that assert herself?

"A dozen ways" she answered leaning forward, Jamal really tried not to stare at her cleavage. "But for example during this time period one could argue, even now women were ashamed or otherwise punished for enthusiastically anticipating sexual intimacy or engaging in sexual acts. They were to be innocent, and modest. Julia instead asserts her sexuality, I have bought the Mansion of love but not possessed it and though I am sold not yet enjoyed as she eagerly awaits sex with Romeo".

He swallowed hard and as he did he saw her eyes flick to his bobbing Adam's apple, and back up to meet his gaze.
He'd almost swear there was a mischievous and pleased glint in her eyes.
He was drawing a complete blank on how to respond, which was ridiculous.
She had him feeling like she just bent over his desk and presented her pussy to him, but she had n't even said anything that provocative. It's a good observation, interesting, and well-spoken.
It was just the way her voice wrapped around Juliet's words, made him want to ensure that she was very thoroughly enjoyed, and he could think about little else.

Luckily, another student had already added his opinion to the mix, and now several of them were disgusting Juliet's relationship with Romeo, Jamal's silence went unnoticed although he was pretty sure he felt Monica eyes on him still.
He let them debate for a few more minutes before reining them in and dismissing them with a reminder of the paper due next week. Jamal was gathering his notes for the next class when someone cleared their throat.
He'd been trying so hard to keep his eyes off her that he jumped when he realized she was just across the desk and almost knocked over his coffee.

Cursing internally, Jamal smiled at her hoping he looked professional and approachable rather than crazed. "Yes Monica"?
He tried not to notice the glowing Carmel brown tone of her neck, not to imagine his fingers against it. He tried not to imagine her hand on the back of his head, fingers caressing his shortcut as he started to zone out.
"I was hoping to come by your office this afternoon so you might help me with my paper, maybe give me a few suggestions. Would that be okay?"
That would be amazing Jamal thought it would probably also be agonizing. He didn't say either of these things, however opted instead for "Of course, my office hours begin at 2:00 come by anytime after that in you'll have my full attention". As usual!
She being, and he suddenly felt the need to adjust himself. "Thank you professor", she chirped "I'll see you then"!
As he watched her weighing hips retreat, he barely deffled a grown. Had he really just agreed to be alone with her he spent most of his lectures talking himself out of shoving her to her knees in front of the entire class, ramification be damned? What had he gotten himself into?

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