Tips for snake therians

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Some tips for all you snakes out there!
(This was a request from my friend)

-lots of snakes love to hide under blankets, rocks, and other things! So hide under your blanket when sleeping or just hanging out!!

-stay low to the ground and act small!

-sunbathe! Send esnakes are cold-blooded they often sunbathe to warm themselves up!

-make a burrow or little cave

-make hissing vocals!

-flick your tongue in and out when inspecting a new area or item

-wear leather for the feel of snakes smooth skin

-wear the color of your snake species(ex: light yellow if a banana ball python)

-eat cooked meat, and swallow little bits whole(be careful not to choke!) eat eggs as well!

-get a long thin tail as gear!

-sleep a lot! Especially in the daytime

-get and wear fake fangs

That's all, hope it helps!!!

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