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It was about forty five minutes into the game when Loren got into a fight

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It was about forty five minutes into the game when Loren got into a fight. Some guy from the other team had checked him and from this distance, it looked like he'd said something to Loren that set him off. At least I'm assuming that's what happened since Loren lunged at him and began pummeling him into the ice. The other player tried to fight back and got a few good swings in before the refs pulled them apart. Each got sent to a penalty box, and of course, Loren got the one right next to me. Joy.

Loren was distracted by the massive cheering and attempted high fives around him. When the game picked back up, things settled down and he had a moment to regain composure. He glanced over and waved cheerily despite the blood dripping from his nose.

"Are you okay?" I asked loudly over the noise and through the plexiglas separating us.

"So this is the friend." Amit spoke quietly, leaning to look around me. He waved slowly like he was trying to process something. "How'd you bag that friendship?"

"Just dandy!" Loren responded, though it sounded congested. "And you?" By the way he spoke, it was pretty obvious that he had noticed something earlier.

"I'm good." I plastered on a smile I hoped was believable.

He raised his eyebrows like he didn't buy it. "I've got to get back in the right head space, but we'll talk after the game, okay?"

I nodded and turned to Amit, who was watching, amused.

"That's a good friend you've got there." He kept the conversation quiet enough to be between just us. "Not like I'm not a good friend, but if we'd been partners that hated each other, I might've choked you out. He doesn't have to be your friend."

"I get it." I rolled my eyes. I was pretty certain I got it, at least. Amit could talk in circles when he wanted to.

"So how'd you two meet? I'm assuming it's not quite as juicy as Andrea makes it out to be." God, the gossip had even made its way to him?

"My brother in law used to play on this team. Just got traded to Seattle, actually."

"So you going to tell me what's got you all wide eyed and panicked?" Amit asked again. "It's kind of obvious something's up."

I hesitated. I had no clue what I was going to do about the situation, and maybe Amit could be of help. And he'd hardly force his opinion on me.

"Brandt felt me up." I confessed plainly, hardly trying to soften the blow.

Amit raised his eyebrows. "Like purposefully? Because I know I've gotten handfuls of your boobs and ass on at least four separate occasions."

"Yeah, but have you ever grabbed my crotch? When not lifting me?"

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