36 | Quiet

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"Twenty-four hours.." he repeated, the words trailing off into a frustrated sigh "It's been.. twenty-four hours since he's eaten anything?" He looked up, his gaze sharp as his golden irises looked to the random pack member. The male wolf kept his eyes on the ground, his figure slightly shaking as he avoided looking the furious alpha in the eyes.

"Why wasn't I made aware of this the first time he refused his meal?" He questioned, his gaze never letting up as the wolf fell to his knees in front of his desk. "My apologies alpha, you've been so busy I-I just figured you-"

"You figured I'd be too busy to want to hear about the things concerning my mate?" The wolf flinched as his alpha cut him off, his voice dark and dangerous as he glared down at the cowering pack member. "N-no alpha, I-"

"And who gave you the authorization to make such decisions?" He questioned, a low growl rumbling in his chest as the man opened his mouth to respond, completely shutting it after hearing the sound. "I asked you a question, Sani." Sani flinched as his name was called, his gaze finally looking up to his alpha who continued to look down at him with dark eyes.

The alpha's gaze snapped to the wolf sitting on the only couch in his office, his leg laid across his other one as he let out a sigh to the ceiling, "Sani, vertrek (Sani, leave.)" he ordered, his eyes not leaving the bare ceiling until Sani was gone, and only then did he look to his alpha whose dark gaze had been redirected to him.

"What do you think you're doing?" He gritted out, growling when the beta didn't back down and instead let out another sigh, this one quieter than the last but still prominent. "What do you think you're doing?" Zane questioned back. "Did you think intimidating one of your pack members would magically make Stefan start eating again?" His head tilted to the side, his face blank as he waited for his angry alphas' response, closing his eyes and shaking his head when receiving nothing.

"Your pack is already worried about their Luna, do you really want them to be worried about their alpha as well?" He questioned through squinted eyes, looking at his alpha with a serious expression. "You're doing nothing but creating unnecessary chaos." He reprimanded, going silent for a few moments before sitting up in his seat, "Give Ade back control."

Denzel didn't react to the betas' order, his face staying blank despite his golden eyes being filled with a dangerously dark glint, "Last I checked I was the alpha of this pack." He stated, his eyes seemingly darkening at every word. "And last I checked I have always been the only one to tell you when you need to calm down. You're. Going. Too. Far." He responded, his voice darkening as well, refusing to back down even when directly faced with Ades' angry wolf.

Denzel didn't respond, he just continued to glare at the unfazed beta, "Give Ade back control, Denzel." The alpha let out a low growl, not liking that he was being ordered around by his beta but knowing Zane was right. He let out a frustrated breath, leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. The next time his eyes were opened they were their normal crystal blue color. "I-I'm sorry Zane, Denzel has been completely out of control since Stefan-"

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses, Ade." The beta sighed, cutting off his alpha as he stood from his spot on the couch, turning his back to him. "The only reason I'm even in here talking to you right now is because you're my alpha, and despite what Stefan believes I do still care about him." He explained.

"Zane-" the alpha tried to say when he noticed Zane going towards the door to his office, his sentence getting cut off when he heard the door opening. "Until you've talked to Kyle and sincerely apologized, don't expect me to do anything that exceeds the normal expectations of my title and position." He announced, glaring back at the silent alpha whose face held a subtle but clearly guilty expression.

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