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<The three geniuses>

Hope_World: So, Namjoon, what happened with your days off and Jin? Were you able to make it work?

Real_Me: No... My break is coming up and Jin can't take any days off

He says the only free time he could make would be next month...

MinDaegu: So why don't you ask the dean (or whoever is in charge of vacation) if you can push your days a bit

Real_Me: But why should I be the one to push my days off... Why doesn't Jin choose me over his job for once

Hope_World: Because he can't, restaurants chefs don't get off days in the summer, for the holidays etc

Real_Me: He's not the chef, he's supposed to be the owner but he can't stay out of those damn kitchens...

Hope_World: So he's doing what he loves, are you going to make him feel bad about it?

MinDaegu: Hoseok's right, you're there to support him in everything he does, not torture him about it

Real_Me: Yeah, I guess you're right...

Hope_World: So maybe this time you're the one that makes the sacrifice and push back your days off, there'll be another time where he's the one that will have to sacrifice something

That's what relationships are all about, compromise

Real_Me: I'll talk with my boss

MinDaegu: There it is


Jimin_Park: Dude, Yoongi sent me a heart for the first time!!!

Jungkook_ing: ????

Jimin_Park: He texted me a heart for the first time!!

Jungkook_ing: You guys haven't sent each other hearts before? And why are you keeping track of this??

Jimin_Park: What do you think it means???

Jungkook_ing: Is it supposed to mean something?

Jimin_Park: Of course! I mean it's a red heart, that's like, love

Jungkook_ing: Not particularly, I mean come on, it's just an emoji

Jimin_Park: But it's not! I mean, I don't use those with just anybody

Jungkook_ing: So what are you saying here, Chim? You don't feel comfortable with the heart?

Jimin_Park: Well, I don't feel like I can send one back

Jungkook_ing: Then don't

Jimin_Park: But what if he feels bad??

Jungkook_ing: That's fine, just because he's there, doesn't mean you have to be too

Jimin_Park: I guess... But what if he gets discouraged

Jungkook_ing: It's Yoongi, it seems impossible to discourage him... And if it does than he's a dick, end of story

Jimin_Park: I guess...

Jungkook_ing: Dude are you really this stressed out about a heart?

Jimin_Park: YES

Jungkook_ing: Newbie

Sent at 10:20am

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