★彡01|20 - "What does it mean?"彡★

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It might've been Saturday morning but Y/n was already up and ready, searching for a certain quartet of people. When she spotted them unsuspectingly walking away from her, she called out, "Guys!"

Carlos was the first to turn, his eyes widening. "Y/n?"

"Hi," Y/n greeted, a bit breathless as she came to a stop in front of them.

"Have you come to tell us that you snitched and we're leaving tomorrow?" Mal asked.

"Uhh, no, no of course not," Y/n shook her head. I should've expected this.

"Then what is it?" the girl in purple challenged.

"I... I want to help you," Y/n admitted, her eyes smiling as she looked at Carlos. "That's what friends are for."

"No, Y/n, you'll get in enough trouble just by knowing," Carlos denied.

Evie elbowed him, smiling at Y/n. "We're very happy you made that decision, Y/n. If there is anything you'd like our help with, just let us know."

"Actually..." Y/n trailed, her eyes checking every corner of the hall. "Not here."

"What?" Carlos let out as Y/n turned around and took course for the library.

"Come, I'll show you something," Y/n said.

In a minute, they were standing in the furthest parts of the library.

"Is what you're showing us the fact that you're a huge nerd?" Jay asked.

Y/n shot him a glare, her fingers finding the right book on their own and pulling. The girl then took out a flashlight, switching it on and showing it down the stairs.

Carlos blinked. "Clearly not, Jay."

The group filed into the tunnel, Y/n leading them towards the big room. This time the ring of fire reflected into the tunnel and the five needed to take a second to adjust to the light as they came to a stop in the circular room.

"Wow," Mal let out. "What is this?"

"It's a prophecy," Y/n filled them in, switching the light of the flashlight off as she waved at the words.

The four took a minute to take them in.

Evie was the first to speak. "Is it about you?"

"I believe so," Y/n nodded, the encounter with her mother and the Will O' The Wisps flashing through her mind.

"What does it mean?" Carlos questioned.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Y/n admitted, focusing her eyes on the lines of the prophecy. "It speaks of change so I guess that would be the fact that I could either break or make better the relationship between the North and Auradon."

"What does it mean by where power hides is her embassy?" Jay questioned.

"At first I thought that it was magic powers," Y/n answered. "But now I think it might also be courage or something like that."

Mal spun around, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "There should be a spell for that."

"For what?"

"For finding out whether or not you have magic powers."

Y/n looked at Mal. "Are you certain?"

"A hundred percent," Mal nodded. "What do you say?"

Y/n bit the inside of her cheek in thought. Her mother was probably meeting with the Queen of Hearts (her mother had also established the title of the Red Queen for the woman) or Mad Hatter, trying to find a way to maintain peace. As crown princess, it was up to her to do the same to the best of her ability. "Let's do it."

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