Chapter 12

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Next morning Namjoon and Seokjin were sleeping together while cuddling when the 3 year old knocked on the door but they were in a very deep sleep to respond so he barged in and tiptoed to the bed.. he huffed seeing them sleeping together without him so got up on the bed and laid in between them... And kissed Namjoon's forehead " Tukkiee bill also take care of his Pretty" he giggled

"You only care about your Pretty, huh? Appa is nothing to you now" SeokJin's whimpered voice startled the kid...

Jungkook facepalmed himself before looking at his Appa with a done face "ofdose Appa is Tukkiee's everything but Tukkiee likes Pretty chu know he wants to make penben widh him" Jungkook shyly admited by hiding his face with his palms

Seokjin opened his eyes and made a cringe face... "For how many people are you going to make Pendants? Namjoon told me yesterday that you wanted to make a pendant for your new teacher, what's with that?" He asked pulled Jungkook closer

Jungkook repeatedly nodded his head "yeshhh yeshhh he will make with him Hanny Teader Hyungie and Pretty" he started clapping his hands in excitement

The older Kim blinked multiple times... Trying to process the information... "Well... That's good... But you don't have to make anyone a pendant... Moon goddess decides who will ended up with whom... Like your papa and I mates... Similarly, your Dadda and Pretty are mates... You will also find your mate... Maybe in some other story" Just then there was a knock on the door "Breakfast is ready" Hoseok said from the other side of the door

"Papa has bad timing" Jungkook said making SeokJin laugh and kiss his baby's face... "And we are glad about it... Come on, let you pretty sleep for a little more time... He needs rest" the toddler nodded and slowly kissed Namjoon's cheek before jumping in SeokJin's arm...

Once they walked to the kitchen , the twins came running and hugged their Appa "good morning" they said in union... Seokjin happily greeted the kids and looked around for Yoongi but there was no sign of alpha "Where is Yoongichi?" Hoseok was quick to reply "he is sleeping... He was having difficulty sleeping on different bed"

Jin made an O face before making the kids settle down... He went to his mate and back hugged "want some help?" He asked, kissing his mate's neck "Nope Love... Everything is done... You take a seat and I will serve breakfast" he slightly turned to kiss his darling's plumpy lips...

Once the breakfast was served the toddlers looked at each other... The twins signalled the youngest to distract them so that they can pick all the veggies up from the food "Appa can be play after breakdust?" He asked and in the mean time Taehyung was picking the veggies from their plates and was passing it to Jimin... But suddenly his wrist was held in the mid air by Hoseok who wasn't even looking at Taehyung... "Of course baby... Wonwoo will come by 8 am so we still got time" he turned the spoon towards his second son

Taehyung nervously smiled " Dadda will feel lonely Taetae will eat later with dadda " saying that he tried to escape but who was he kidding escaping from Yoongi is still possible but not from Hoseok "Your Dadda won't feel lonely... Finish your breakfast without trying your tricks and Kookie... You too... Only my Minnie is a good boy... Papa will buy you that toy car" he kissed Jimin's forehead... Well, who knew loving veggies would come with its own benefits

"That's not fair" both the kids pouted with their arms crossed to their chests "we also want toys" they whine

"then eat your breakfast without missing a single vegetable in that plate" that was it for kids to gulp down everything...

After they were done Seokjin went to Namgi's room with his brother's breakfast and a loud gasp escaped from his mouth when he saw Namjoon studying while covering his entire body with Yoongi's clothes "Bub... Why are you wearing Yoongi's entire wardrobe? Also, why the fuck are you out of your bed?" Seokjin angrily ask while putting the tray on the bed "I can only make Appa reject his deeds by becoming more successful than him and for that I need to study hard... And I am used to studying while being sick so it's not that big of a deal " Namjoon said with his eyes glued to his book "Okay... You are not in that jail anymore... So-"

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