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Chapter 100

At noon, the production team asked the guests to fetch water and cook the meal. As the guest who has the worst cooking skills, naturally, the task of bringing water would fall on Jiang Tang. At the same time, the young master Li Changfeng also followed her.

Since the malicious editing incident was exposed, Li Changfeng has been scolded by netizens miserably. On average, 800 to 1000 harsh comments were criticizing him. As one can imagine, Li Changfeng now must not have a good feeling toward Jiang Tang.

The summer in the deep mountains was not too hot. The wind blew gently on a warm sunny day. In the distance, the picturesque mountains and forest scenery were like a painting.

Jiang Tang wore denim shorts and flat shoes, a very casual summer look. However, it still attracted the attention of many people along the way. As a public figure, Jiang Tang is used to attracting people’s attention, but when met with those people’s undisguised line of sight, she still felt somewhat uncomfortable. It’s like…looking at the pork on the chopping board.

While in a trance, a shadow suddenly leaned next to her blocking those perverted eyes. Jiang Tang raised her head and saw Li Changfeng’s side profile. He looked steadily forward with a poker face.

Jiang Tang was a little surprised, lowered her head again, and said nothing.

“You should change your clothes when we go back.” Suddenly, Li Changfeng said.

Jiang Tang looked up again and saw he glanced lightly at her: “The villagers are not as simple as you think.”

When said this, Li Changfeng’s tone was full of disdain and disgust.

Jiang Tang’s eyelashes trembled lightly: “I will change after we return.” After thinking about it for a moment, she asked: “Why are you reminding me of this?”

Li Changfeng: “I’m free.”

When they reached the well, Jiang Tang put down the bucket and let Li Changfeng go first.

The two PDs that followed them to take pictures were observing the surroundings, and suddenly, a white figure jumped into the camera without warning. “It” movements was swift and violent. It was making threatening gestures and pounding on Jiang Tang, who was in the middle.

The Follow PDs were so scared out of their wits, and the cameras in their hands trembled uncontrollably.

“It” grasped Jiang Tang’s arm firmly, as if about to crush her bones any second. Jiang Tang felt that her hand was about to be broken. She stared at the attacker in front of her eyes. After a closer look, Jiang Tang found out that this was actually a person…a woman.

The woman was naked and her back gaunt. Her face was covered by her long messy hair, only revealing a pair of big dark eyes. Her eyes were like two pools of stagnant water, leaving only bleak blackness and intense panic.


“Ahhh….ahhh…” She made random gestures with her other hand and tried to open her mouth wide, but the words that came out were all confusing syllables.

Jiang Tang looked closer and saw the woman’s tongue was broken.

“Go away!” The nearby Li Changfeng used all his strength to push away the women and pulled Jiang Tang to hide behind him to protect her.

The woman fell to the ground, still not giving up, and struggled to crawl. Her skinny hands held onto Li Changfeng’s leg, pulling it tightly as if it was her only life-saving straw.

“Where is this lunatic from?” After Li Changfeng kicked her away disgustedly, he raised his head and asked the Follow PD: “Which family is this person from? Hurry, take her away.”