Chapter Fifty-Seven

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(A/N: IMPORTANT): Hey all. I noticed that more than half of y'all missed my last update of Delta -- chapter 56 -- probably due to a notification glitch of some sort. If you haven't read it yet, I urge you to do so, as it contains a veryyyy important scene between Faelen and Kyra (:



The nighttime breeze ruffled my hair and kissed every inch of my bare skin as I stood on the North Tower's balcony. I'd left the clamour of the ball room a while ago. I'd witnessed Kyra and Faelen's display of affection, and I was honestly elated for them given how many obstacles they'd encountered and overcome in their relationship. Kyra had been through so much and she deserved someone to make her happy, and while he wasn't perfect, I knew that Faelen was good for her. He'd protect her and ensure her wellbeing -- I had faith in that.

Still, after seeing their display, I couldn't help but feel a little empty. Which was awful -- I knew -- but I guess one could say I couldn't help but compare it to my own desires. Of what Raina and I could have been like, hadn't she run from her feelings and destroyed our mate bond in the process. And though I knew she wanted to make amends; I wasn't sure we'd ever get much further than that. 

So, I stood on the balcony, watching the world, taking small sips of my flat champagne as I did so. A heavy sighed escaped me. You can't be like this forever, Az. You're going to become known as a party grouch if you keep this up.

I shut my eyes against the cold breeze. Oh, but to be loved...


My back straightened like a flagpole. I whirled around to find Raina standing in the archway, looking unsure of herself.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not meaning to sound accusatory but doing so anyway. Raina winced, and I sighed. "Sorry, I just... I was just having a moment."

"Ballroom too crowded for you?" She asked, walking forward and taking up the space on the railing beside me. I turned around with a sigh, facing the outside world once again. 

"Not quite. I just... needed to think, is all."

Silence. I didn't dare look at her. I took a sip of my champaign instead, almost to the dregs. It tasted strangely bitter. 

After a while, Raina cleared her throat. "What did you think of Kyra and Faelen?"

I looked at her, then, trying to conceal my thoughts. Her face, to my surprise, was soft and candid, almost like an open book. 

"I'm happy for them," I said, carefully assessing her face. "You?"

Raina smiled, seeming to zone out as she said, "I'm really glad. When we first got here, I was worried Kyra would slip away from us. That her world had been irrevocably crushed by Azriel. And I know you and I have helped her, but Faelen's done a lot more in repairing it. I just have to hope that he won't go do something stupid, as he usually does."

I smirk at that, finding irony in her words but keeping quiet. I look out at the forest again, wistful. "I think he'll behave. He knows what he has now, and any idiot would know not to lose that. I guess..." I look down at the quater-empty champagne glass, frowning. "... I guess all anyone needs right now is someone else to hold them; to care for them. We're driving through hard times right now and it's so easy to just... fall into despair. Kyra and Faelen are lucky; they have each other's backs and, well... they're happy together. I guess that's anyone can ask for nowadays."

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