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I was so uncomfortable seeing everyone and being in close space. It made it worse Macy was making out with River. They all lied. All of them. I decided to walk upstairs and go to bed. As I was leaving I made sure to bump really hard into Ryan and Wyatt.

"What the hell Em?!" Yelled Ryan. "Fucking you Ryan you lied. Look they are all over each other. Your a fucking liar all of you. Don't speak to me." I yelled and ran to my room. I needed to leave. I didn't care. I started putting what I could I'm a bag. I had $3000 cash In my wallet from rehab they had us work jobs. I grabbed my car keys and walked down the stairs straight to the garage. I heard Wyatt call my name but ignored him.

I knew a hotel in town that didn't ask questions so I got a room for the night. While I was unwinding I texted Eli telling him I was sorry but I needed yo leave. I'd call him tomorrow. He kept calling me. I finally answered after he said he'd call the cops.

"What do want Eli?"

"Come home now."

"No. I can't."

"Your drunk. Tell me where you are. Please." 

"I'll be home tomorrow. Im going to spend the night here. Please make sure she gone tomorrow. Love you"

I hung up and texted Colby. I met him in rehab. He was in Texas with his friend flaming. Told him come fuck me.

Me and Colby had sex and he left. Not soon after he left the 4 boys showed up. I forgot my phone had location on. Shit.

"Emerson open this door now" Eli barked. "Getting dressed" I sang. "Hurry the fuck up." He barked again. After I was dressed I opened the door. All 4 looked at me and just looked pissed.

"You ran off to fuck your boyfriend huh?" Ryan questioned. "No I invited a friend from rehab. Ended up drinking. And we'll you know how things go or is that your River? Making everyone tell me your not with Macy and you have been thinking about but really your a losing cunt!" I yelled.

"No Emerson I'm not with her you dumbass!! God your so unforgivable. You think so lowly of me. I have done nothing but want you since you broke it off because you couldn't handle yourself. Now look at telling rehab dumb fucks to fuck you!" He yelled back. I just shoved and screamed tell I got them all out. Last thing I remember was slamming the door and falling on the floor passing our.

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