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The vacation was amazing

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The vacation was amazing. After we arrived back in Monaco, we spent 3 days with my family, and after that, my training started again. It's Wednesday, and today Isa, Alex, Lando, and I are leaving together for the Zandvoort Grand Prix. Isa grew up in the Netherlands, and the last two years she struggled with going back there. Especially after everything that happened with her parents. So I'm keeping an eye on her. The upside is that on Monday after the race, we are going to visit her 8 year old brother Sam in the hospital. He has leukemia. We haven't seen him for almost a year. We called, but that isn't the same. Her parents won't be there on Monday, so we don't have to worry about that.

I wake up with a lot of pain in my ear. I walk downstairs and see that Isa is still sleeping. I'm searching for some paracetamol, but I can't find any, so I'm forced to wake Isa up. As I walk up the stairs the pain gets worse. What the hell is this?

I open the door to Isa's room.

Isa turns around in bed and opens her eyes confused.
"I have a lot of pain in my ear. Do you know where the box with paracetamol is?"
"In my bathroom."
"Okay thank you."

I walk into Isa's bathroom and grab a paracetamol. When I walk back into her room I see she has gotten out of bed.

"Dress up Charles, we're going to the doctor."
"If you have an ear infection, you can't fly, so then we need to drive to the Netherlands."
"No way! How long does that take?"
"About 14 hours."
I sigh, and walk to my room to put on some normal clothes. Isa and I quickly eat breakfast, and we jump into the car to drive to the doctor. The waiting room is almost empty, so we don't have to wait long.

Isa and I walk into the examination room.
"Hello Charles and Isabella, what can I do for you?" The doctor asks.
"I woke up with a lot of pain in my left ear."
"Okay, let's take a look.

The doctor runs some tests, and tells us to wait until he has the results. Five minutes later he walks into the room.
"Charles you have an ear infection."
"I can't fly, right?"
"No, that's true."
"Can I race?"
"Yes, and we will give you some painkillers."
The doctor hands me a box of painkillers.
"Okay thank you sir," I say, and I get up from my chair.
"No problem, get well soon."

When we're outside Isa chuckles.
"What's funny?"
"Nothing, just the fact that we arrived back from a road trip, and not even a week later we need to drive 14 hours again."
"Are you coming with me?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I?"
"Because it's boring to drive for 14 hours straight?"
"Not with you and Andrea."
I smile and we drive back to our apartment. I text the twitch quartet.

Twitch quartet 👍🏻👾:

Charles 🏎️:
Hello everyone, I've got an ear infection, so I won't be able to fly to Zandvoort.

Lando 👶🏻:
So you're going to teleport to the Netherlands?

Charles 🏎️:
No we need to drive for 14 hours.

She's mine - Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now