Chapter 9....

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"We need to do something fun for Wy's bachelor party." Trevor said next to me.

"We could go to some club and just have a boys night." Bryton suggested. "Strip clubs are out."

"I like my balls attached to my body." I would have laughed at Trevor's words if I was paying attention but my gaze was focused elsewhere. More like a certain blonde.

Across the lawn Lydia was talking to the girls, head thrown back laughing. I clenched the beer in my hand at the sight. Fuck, why does she have such a hold on me. I've been with my fair share of women but none have had the same effect that Lydia Ellis has. And I don't even know why.

She loves to get under my skin and piss me off. Like flirting with Mateos friends. It took everything I had not to march over there and let those boys know who she belonged too. The worst part though...she doesn't belong to me. Lydia isn't mine, yet every part of me wanted to claim her as mine.

I couldn't bring myself to feel sorry for cornering her in the kitchen a bit ago. If she wanted to play games, I can play games. Whether she admits it or not she feels something towards me. Something other than hate.

You know where to find me.

My mind replayed the look on Lydia's face when I said those words. Those gorgeous green eyes had widened before pure lust took over. It took all my willpower to step away from her. All I wanted to do was take her right then and there, regardless of the fact I was at my mothers house.

I remember what it was like to kiss her. The way she grabbed and kissed me in Australia. The softness of her lips compared to the roughness of the kiss was something I don't think I'll ever forget. I had to pull away that night because she was drunk. The last thing I ever wanted to do was take advantage of a woman when she's had one too many drinks. She'd end up regretting it in the morning and I wasn't about to put her in that position.

I may have pulled away but doesn't mean I haven't thought about that kiss every single day. Every time I see her I want to kiss that sassy mouth of hers. The urge getting stronger with each passing day I see her.



"Game to rob a bank?"

"Sure." My eyes still glued to Lydia.

"We're going to dress up as the powderpuff girls."

"Fine with me."

"Trevor has a crush on you."


"Dude." A punch to my arm snapped me out of staring. I looked over at Trevor and Bryton staring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Did you hear anything we just said?" Bryton asked.

"Uh, bachelor party?"

"You just basically agreed Trevor is gay." Trevor shot Bryton a look. "Which would be totally fine if you were. No judgement here."

"I have a girlfriend you asshole."

"She may be mad at first but she'd support you." Trevor shoved Bryton, making him stumble to the side as he laughed.

"Landon would be lucky to date me. I'm amazing."

I rolled my eyes at the two grown ass men in front of me. And to think they were adults.

"Back to the conversation." Trevor turned back to me. "You're going to burn a hole in Lydia's side from how hard you are staring."

"Seriously. What's that about?" Bryton asked.

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