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[Avengers HQ. Vision follows a recipe.]

Vision: 'A pinch of paprika.' A pinch. [He adds a pinch. Wanda strolls in.]

Wanda Maximoff: Is that paprikash?

Vision: I thought it might . . . lift your spirits.

Many of the girls in the hall awe and coo at him. That's so cute what he's doing for her.

Wanda Maximoff: [She chuckles, stirs the ingredients in the pan with a spoon. She lifts the spoon to her lips, blows and has a taste. She smiles.] Spirits lifted.

Vision: In my defense, I haven't actually ever . . . eaten anything before, so . . .

Wanda Maximoff: May I?

Vision: Please. Wanda?

Wanda Maximoff: Hmm.

Vision: No one dislikes you, Wanda. [She frowns curiously.]

Wanda Maximoff: Thanks.

Vision: Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a . . . involuntary response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you.

Wanda Maximoff: Are you?

Vision: My amygdala is synthetic, so . . . [Wanda laughs.]

"This is so cute and wholesome!" Ginny says. Wanda blushes a bit but Vision only reacts with a small smile.

Wanda Maximoff: I used to think of myself one way. But after this . . . [her fingers glow.] I am something else. I'm still me, I think, but . . . that's not what everyone else sees.

Vision: [He touches the mind stone in his forehead.] Do you know, I don't know what this is? [It glows.] Not really. I know it's not of this world, that it powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities, but . . . its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me.

Wanda Maximoff: Are you afraid of it?

Vision: I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day . . . who knows? I may even control it.

"Awee. Their bonding over their powers and confusion." Sirius coos.

Wanda Maximoff: [Wanda looks at the food.] I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm gonna go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes.

Vision: Alternatively, we could order a pizza?

Wanda Maximoff: Vision, are you not letting me leave?

Vision: [He blocks her way.] It is a question of safety.

Wanda Maximoff: I can protect myself.

Vision: [He holds her arm.] Not yours. Mr. Stark would like to avoid the possibility of another public incident. Until the Accords are on a . . . more secured foundation.

Wanda Maximoff: And what do you want?

Vision: For people to see you . . . as I do. [She looks at him gravely.]

"Seriously Tony? You'd go as far as to lock Wanda up?" Ana asks. Before the billionaire can defend him Peter steps in.

"If that's Mr. Stark's version of being locked up, then please, lock me up. Send me away. That place is great!" he tells her enthusiastically.

Tony claps him on the back proudly, making the kid blush. Ana gives Peter a look, as if contemplating something, then, a small smile makes its way onto her face.

"I like you." she states simply, causing Peter to grow even redder.

[Berlin, day. Traffic rolls around the victory column. Police convoy drives beside the river Spree. Amidst the convoy is a gray armed truck. Inside Bucky wears restraints inside a prison pod. Three armed guards sit on the other side of the glass-walled pod. A police motorbike stops traffic and a van driver looks affronted. The convoy turns a corner onto a bridge across the river. In an SUV T'Challa sits in front of Steve who sits in front of Sam.]

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