Chapter 42

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Two days later

He is finally much better and healthy today. Two days later he just woke up ....these two days he just ate his food and slept. His body was very weak and medications were heavy .

I have temporarily joined the hospital just to be here...why don't know. I just felt that he needs someone. His father visited...saw he was alive. Paid hospital bills and left ..truly a cold family.

Karishma wanted to talk with him , so I texted her that it was okay to meet samrat . So she is on the way. Today sam got a bath. And the nurses eyes were having x-ray machines when he was too much.

I brought his hospital breakfast for him , hope he is awake. As I entered his room. I saw him wide awake. Lying on the bed reading little notes written by his loved ones.

" Good morning" I wished him,  placing the food tray on his bed. He looked up gave a nod and went back to read his notes. His attitude is so cold....why Karishma says he is a very comedy type person. He is literally hoy.

" Breakfast for you. " I told pointing towards  the tray. He has placed every single note carefully in his diary. And then focused on the food tray...he doesn't look happy.

" That's... disgusting. So it tastes less. " he said looking towards the food. " It's plain food spices...only boiled food for you " I told him and he literally made a face like a child...well maybe he isn't that serious.

"   By the way ...about that file. Is it still with you....have you mentioned it to anyone? " he asked looking very concerned about it.

" when I brought you here ...I saw one can follow me. A man in the hoodie was standing in the I lied to Karishma that I gave the file to Inspector Vikram...and that hoodie guy left. " I told him , and that's why I lied to Karishma.

Mr Vikram came to visit and told me many things about samrat but I have not given him the file. It's still with me very safe.

" Have it brought it today ? " he asked me. Yesterday he texted me to bring the file for him. So I did it. I handed it to him.

" Can you please arrange a bucket. " he requested. He looks cute doing I arranged it for him. He has shoved the file in the bucket and burned it. The file slowly turned into ashes. We said nothing...just sat their watching the file burn.

" Thank you so much for everything. " he said with a smile. A smile which lit his whole face. No doubt people think he is charming...he is very handsome...and dangerously addictive.

Karishma ( POV)

Finally I can sit and talk with Samrat. Aditya and I have decided as soon as he gets discharged we will bring him to our house. He needs twenty four hour care...and in his house he will not get it.

I hurriedly made breakfast for the kids. I wouldn't have made anything but they wanted their favourite breakfast ' mishti bread ' is what they call it.

It's easy , you just greece your pan with ghee, put bread and sprinkle sugar in it , lightly fry both sides...and our food is ready.

They love to eat it with a glass of milk and bhujia on the side. They love it and so I made it for them. As for Aditya now that samrat is out of danger his demands are getting out of hand. He has literally rearranged everything....he took all my things in his master bedroom.

Actually the room I woke up was a guest bedroom and we slept on that room for few days. The room where I found Aditya after coming here was his actual bedroom.

Since he was sleeping in my ...his mother didn't mind even if it was a guest room but Aditya has now shifted my things in his room. I officially entered his bedroom.

That room has our clothes, my daily needs , his daily finally looks like a couples room. He said he is doing it cause he is getting my room ready for sam to move in.

He told he is going to hire Sahara to take care of sam. So for next few months it's going to be a giant family staying together and I think I am going to love it.

With sam I can solve the Sharma house mystery. What made Mr and Mrs Sharma to stay away from each other.

All the children's are ready to go out. I handed them their lunch and gave each a kiss and they gave me one in return and ran back to get in the car. And of course Aditya is waiting.

So I decided to be bold today and gave him a kiss on his cheek. First time I kissed him...his expression changed , he looks surprised. He bend down a little and whispered " Good start but not enough" he said gave a little kiss in my lips and left.

Did his mechanism malfunctioned ....or I pressed a wrong button. He was supposed to be cold and non caring type he turned out to be that sweet ?

I didn't waste much time. Handed Arav to Mrs snow. It's time to meet samrat.

30 minutes later.

Finally I am here. As soon as I entered the room I saw him sitting in the hospital bed. He has bandages almost everywhere. His eyes looks tired.

My eyes teared up looking at him like that. I have already seen him happy and jolly...its so hard to see him all confined in bed and so sad.

" Abhi jinda hoon chudail ...( I am still alive witch ) .. " he said and that's more like it. I walked over and sat down on the tool near him.

" You feeling better? " I asked him and he nodded. " They are feeding me tasteless food..." he complained like a child . " No coffee for six months can you believe that. " he said in utter disbelief.

" I will make you fruit will forget your coffee. " added Sahara. She is looking much cheerful today and why I feel that she is falling for samrat ? Samrat fell on her car and she fell for him... perfect.

" You have to listen to what doctors ask you to do okay....and once you get well you can have anything you
want. " I coaxed him like a little child.

" And we will take you our home when you get discharged. " I told him and if course he didn't agree with the plan. Says he doesn't want to be a third wheel.

" My parents does visits me once and twice...and my mom...she hasn't..." he couldn't even ask the question properly. All his life he yearned for mothers love but he never received it. But still he loves his mother so hurts to see him like that.

" I will let them know and they will visit you...but your coming with us. No arguments. Sahara tell him..." I said pointing her to say something.

" You must be in bed rest , your body is still healing, you need to be in wheelchair for few need extreme that's a good idea. " said Sahara backing me up.

" Alright..." he said and I am too happy. I talked with Sahara after coming here she doesn't mind being his doctor and nurse for few months. And I guess I know why....but we are all going to stay's going to be fun.

My eyes suddenly saw something unusual in his hand. After meeting with titli...Sahara and I share a star tattoo in our hand. Titli said people who are part of system or visits that place has that symbol. Samrat never had any tattoo in his hand...than why he has moon tattoo in his hand ? A beautiful half moon, half hidden in little cloud and with a that a normal tattoo? If not what is it ? And why I feel that I know it ? I am confused.

Author Note.

Author: Hey ! How are you?

Sdmrat : Angry

Author: why ?

Samrat: No coffee...that's not fair.

Author: Sorry ... Your friends were worried for you. Want to talk with them ?

Samrat : Hi ! How are you? I heard you were worried for me. Aww thanks for worrying for me. you all.

Author: we were going to show vote results today but it became late

Samrat : so tomorrow...I will make sure you do that.

Author: Done .. anything else.

Sdmrat : Aur kitna shamshaan jau...tu hospital aa mujhse milna. And good night.

Author: Good night.

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